Chapter 3 : "Trial by Shadows"

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"Is this for real? We finally made it to Veykalash, Seema," Alex exclaimed. "Well, we had our fair share of problems in the Forest of Maya. After rescuing you, we had to make arrangements to stay a whole night there. It was horrific. When I woke up, I saw a big bug right above my eyes on a tree, staring at me like I was his food."

Manav chimed in, "Well, we finally made it to Veykalash. So, what are we waiting for? Let's go."

As all three of them approached the gates of Veykalash, they found them fascinating. The gates were adorned with a whole story, encrypted like some kind of drawing, depicting the tale between the Asuras and Darshanas, their fights, and especially about the 4th king, Karn. The gates also mentioned his sacrifice and the sword he wielded, lost in the Dark Domain. Every king depicted in the drawings had their own weapon, symbolizing their battles against the Asuras. Yuga's weapon, shown in the gates, was a chain with 14 sharp knife-like structures at every end, each harnessing different elements.

Manav was captivated by the pictures, constantly staring at them. Suddenly, Alex said, "Let's go. We should be getting inside now." All three of them entered the city of Veykalash, where they encountered numerous people, shops, stalls, and magical items, including potions, books, and various magical weapons.

As Alex and Manav explored, they were shocked to see demi-humans for the first time. One man, tall and big, had a tail and fox ears, with his body covered in fur, effortlessly lifting a giant boulder. Seema noticed their surprise and asked, "Why are you both so surprised? It's just a demi-human after all."

Manav replied, "We are seeing them for the first time." Seema was astonished, "What? You've never seen a demi-human before? Where were you two living?" Alex explained, "In the first realm of commoners, into the last reserve, Tross."

Manav then inquired, "Where will the Magic Blaze exam be held?" Alex admitted, "Well, in the capital, of course. But where in the capital, I don't know." Seema, shaking her head, said, "You guys are hopeless. I know where the exam will be held; come with me."
Then, all three of them finally managed to reach the selection examination hall, a colossal castle resembling an arena that almost touched the sky. The entire structure was encased in transparent glass. However, as they approached the entrance, two giant angelic statues, each holding a massive sphere, blocked their path. The statues questioned their presence, and Seema responded, "We are here for the Magic Blaze selection exam." The statues instructed them to go through the portal, where their magical abilities would be assessed.

Turning around, Seema noticed both Manav and Alex looking surprised. "Let me guess, you've never heard of them before," she remarked. They shook their heads. Seema explained that these were the Angel Fairies, protectors of the academy with formidable strength and magical powers. Alex commented, "Well, that was unexpected."

As they entered the portal, Manav's chest started glowing. Seema wondered if it was the cursed emblem, expressing disbelief that Manav possessed it. She had doubts before, and as Manav questioned her, she brushed it off. Alex noticed but remained silent. Entering the portal, they found themselves in the midst of a crowd of students, each distinct from the other. Many wore white cloaks.

Manav, curious, asked Seema about the students, questioning why they all looked the same. Seema, shaking her head, whispered, "Shhhh. Shhh." A student approached them, and suddenly, laughter erupted from the group. The student mockingly remarked, "Well, well, what do we have here? Some wannabe magic blazers." Manav turned to Alex, contemplating whether to punch the guy. Alex advised against it. Seema cautioned them, "He's a noble, blessed by Darshanas themselves.

The noble sneered, questioning Manav and Alex's presence, suggesting they should be home practicing how to become entertainers, the only thing commoners are supposedly good for. Manav defiantly replied that they were there for the Magic Blaze selection exam and expressed their desire to explore the Dark Domain. Alex, determined to become an Elemental Master, added his aspirations.

The nobles mocked them, stating that only 20 percent of participants, even among nobles with exceptional talent, were selected in this challenging exam. Manav, contemplating a punch, received encouragement from Alex. Seema intervened, telling them to shut up, causing a sudden silence in the room.

A man in a black cloak with brown hair and glasses appeared beside floating mirrors, announcing the total number of participants as 659. The selection would take place in three stages, and the healers' exam was scheduled in another hall. Semma advised Manav and Alex to behave and then she left for the other hall

As Semma left, the noble warned Manav and Alex that they would need luck, introducing himself as Swalpa D Gasto, claiming they would hear his name again someday. Manav and Alex, unimpressed, couldn't even remember his name.

The man in the purple cloak initiated the first exam-a race through a transformed jungle starting from a bridge. The objective was to reach the other side early, avoiding disqualification in 45 minutes,The ground shifted in an instant, and the race began.

Manav and Alex separated as the competition intensified. The man in the black cloak warned of unknown monsters and emphasized that every student was an adversary, capable of attacking. Disqualified students' names and time would be displayed in a mirror at the top of the sky.

So let the race begin..

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