25. drug cartel

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As Karen's intense gaze fixed on Vanessa, I sensed the onset of trouble. My anger was boiling, directed not only at Karen but also at my mother. Vanessa had diligently prepared for this evening, likely envisioning every possible worst-case scenario, yet none could have matched the reality of tonight.

Karen represents a chapter of my past I wish to close. Thus, I keep my silence around Vanessa. It's time to contact a security firm to arrange a personal bodyguard for her. However, before doing so, I must return a call from my mother, who has tried reaching me eight times already. Perhaps letting her wait a bit longer will instil some maturity in her behaviour towards others. Or is that too optimistic of me? With a heavy heart, I leave Vanessa, less than cheerful, in the living room as I head to my home office.

After closing the door, I respond to my mother's ninth attempt to contact me. I can almost picture her nervousness, likely taking it out on her nails again.

"Hello, Mother," I say, keeping my voice neutral.

"Dave, can you forgive me?"

"Why should I? You scorn the woman I love. It seems your only interest in her is to demean her. If you cannot show her respect," I pause deliberately, "then you no longer act as my mother."

She takes a sharp breath, and then there's silence.

I press on. "You have insulted her twice now. Was inviting Karen your way of doing that?"

"I... I didn't invite her. It was a coincidence at the boutique. We chatted, and I mentioned you were coming over. Perhaps she took it as an invitation."

"That's typical of Karen, always stalking," I muse. "Mother, have you forgotten her past behaviour? She's repeating everything she did before. Only this time, I'm not dating her best friend. Karen sees Vanessa as a rival."

"Sorry," my mother says, her voice filled with genuine remorse. "What's your plan now, son?"

"I'm hiring an extra bodyguard to protect Vanessa when I'm not around."

"You really do love that woman, don't you?"

"Isn't it obvious by now?"

"I'll do better next time. I don't want to lose you; you're my only child."

"You should not do your best for me, but for her. She will be the future mother of your grandchildren. If you wish to meet them, you must behave around her."

"I will. I promise."

"Alright, then I bid you good night, mother."

"Good night, my son."

Immediately after our conversation, I search for the security number. I quickly dial the only number I keep for emergencies—the head of the security firm. A familiar, deep male voice promptly answers: Tony. Tony and I have a long history, going back to high school days with Arthur.

"Ah, Dave. To what do I owe this unexpected call?"

"Just checking in, Tony. Everything alright with you?"

"Everything's fine here, but considering the time, I suspect this isn't a casual call."

"You're correct, unfortunately. I need Sergei's services."

"Sergei? Has the situation escalated to that extent?"

"I certainly hope not. However, Karen seems to have Vanessa in her sights."

"Vanessa, your fiancée? What makes you think Karen intends to harm her?"

"The expression on Karen's face was quite disturbing, and I'm concerned she may go to extremes."

"Hmm, when do you require his services?"

"As soon as possible. Karen is the apple of her father's eye. He would do anything for her."

"I had previously cautioned you about the Bianchi family. Their notoriety as one of the most extensive criminal families is not unfounded."

"Yes, I understand. I'm fully aware of her family's dynamics. And she's the most eccentric of them all. That's precisely why I'm organizing protection for my fiancée."

"Understood. I'll inform him immediately and make sure he gets in touch with you instantly. And Dave?"


"We should catch up soon, just as friends. I'm eager to meet your fiancée. Any woman who has won your heart must be quite extraordinary."

"You can't even imagine, my friend," I reply with a smile. "Looking forward to it, Tony."

"Goodnight, Dave."

"Good night." 

Slouched in my desk chair, I wear a sceptical expression, swaying gently to and fro. My mind is foggy, eyes glazed over, fixated on the void—until the sudden buzz of my phone jolts me upright. I lunge for the vibrating device, snatching it from the desk.

"Dave Lavens speaking."

"Good day, Mr. Lavens. This is Sergei. I received a call from Tony about a job?"

"That's right. The task is to guarantee the safety of someone very important."

"Your fiancée?"

"Indeed. Are you considering the role?"

"Absolutely. When shall we meet?"

"Come to my home tomorrow morning. From then on, I expect she will be under your constant vigilance."

"Agreed. You have my commitment. Until tomorrow."

"Until tomorrow."

I set my phone down on the desk and ease into my office chair. A shadow flickers through the door's crack. "Vanessa, I know you're there," I murmur.

Vanessa presses against the door, easing it open. She strides over to my desk and raps softly on the surface.

Her gaze shifts away, fixating on her stationary finger, her expression pensive. "So, you've appointed a bodyguard for me. Isn't that a bit much?"

"No, it's not excessive at all. You don't know what Karen and her family are capable of. I fear the worst. I should have known better after what happened in the car park. She knows about our engagement, and she's intent on ruining it."

"But why? I don't understand. Did I ever do anything to her?"

"Feather, there's no need for contemplation. You're marrying me, and her envy is palpable."

Vanessa turns away, prompting me to rise and approach her. Stopping in front of her, I tenderly lift her chin with my fingers. Gently, I press my lips to hers for a kiss. Vanessa's eyes close softly. After the kiss, I rest my forehead against hers, and our eyes meet.

"Vanessa, it's prudent to have a bodyguard. Karen's family operates one of the largest drug cartels in our nation."

"I'm aware, I overheard the conversation. Forgive my eavesdropping."

"Eavesdropping? Feather, you're not just a spectator; you're involved in this. I have no secrets from you. Openness is essential for a strong relationship, isn't it?" I reassure her.

Vanessa's smile blooms. "Indeed, a strong relationship harbours no secrets, save for those tiny ones that benefit the bond," she remarks, her thumb and index finger almost touching to illustrate her point. I chuckle and plant another kiss on her lips before sweeping her into my arms, her legs encircling me with ease. Together, we retreat to our room, yielding to a night filled with passion and lack of sleep.

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