t w e l v e

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⊱ ────── draw the cat eye
sharp enough
to kill a man .⋅ ✯ ⋅. ────── ⊰

📍 new york city

"Azaire what the hell?"

Azzy recognized Jobe's voice and she raised a brow. "Jobe? what are you doing with Xaila's phone? aren't you supposed to be in England?" the questions spilled out of her mouth in a hurry.

"why am i blocked?" he asked through the phone. Azaire licked her lips. "reasons'' she got out and heard him scoff.

"i've been trying to text you but i've been blocked. then i go on Instagram and see you're kissing someone else — can we FaceTime?" Jobe asked over the phone.


"come on , are you serious? i stole Xaila's phone for this. please" he said and let out a sigh. Azaire sighed and rolled her eyes. he might aswell tell her about his new girlfriend.

"fine" she spoke and hung up before he could say anything back. she didn't even mean to do it but she was so mad in that moment.

he had no right to act hurt and betrayed when he was the one who messed up in the first place.

Azaire sat in her chair , propping her phone up against the vanity. her phone rang again and she answered it. Jobe's face immediately appeared on the screen.

Azaire mentally scolded her stomach for doing somersaults the second he appeared.

"Azaire" he spoke , his accent thick and unwavering. "Jobe" she replied back , sitting back in the chair with her lips in a straight line.

"is that your boyfriend? the one on your Instagram?" he asked. Azaire snorted out loud before regaining her posture.

"why? why does it bother you?" she asked , raising a brow. she watched as he let out a breath and lean back. "it doesn't" he shrugged.

"you just...never told me about him" Jobe spoke. Azaire narrowed her eyes and put her feet on her chair. "why should i? my love life has nothing to do with you"

she watched as Jobe leaned back in his chair , crossed his arms and slowly nodding his head as his tongue poked the inside of his right cheek.

"i mean...you never told me you have a girlfriend"

Jobe raised a brow. "girlfriend?" he asked and she hummed , nodding her head. "the girl on the pictures?" she asked.

Jobe laughed.

Azaire scoffed. he had the nerve to laugh.

she wanted to throw her perfume bottles at his head.

"is something funny?" she asked and watched as he regained his breath. the boy let out a breath , his eyes twinkling with amusement.

Jobe then took his phone and dialed a number. Azaire leaned forward, a bit curious now. she watched as he turned the phone to Xaila's phone screen.

Sierra , the caller ID read.

Azaire let out a scoff. was he really about to call his girlfriend infront of her.

Jobe leaned back in his chair, licking his lips as he put the phone on loud speaker. "hello?" the voice from the other side said.

Azaire listened intently.

"hey Sierra. can we go out on a date next time you come?" Jobe asked , a smirk on his lips as he stared at Azzy through the phone.

the girl's lips slightly parted at the audacity this kid has. she was about to hang up the phone if it was not for 'Sierra's' voice on the other side of the phone.

"ew , what the fuck , Jobe? not to burst your bubble , but i'm not into incest" the girl's English accent said.

Azaire's lips parted in surprise. "good to know" Jobe spoke. "you're a weird kid, J" she heard on the other line before it went dead.

Jobe then put his phone back on the counter and crossed his arms over his chest. Azaire rolled her eyes.

"so she's your..."

"cousin" he quickly said. Azaire nodded her head. "that still doesn't explain why you didn't text me back when i sent you a message. i thought we were friends"

it grew silent between them.

"she arrived the day you guys left. i wanted to spend some time with her since i won't see her for the next year" Jobe explained.

he then leaned forward. "come on , don't be like that." he spoke and lifted his arm. "look , i still have it on" he said , motioning his head to the bracelet on his arm.

"i thought you took it off" Azzy frowned.

"i didn't. not once." he replied.

"put yours on" he demanded and Azzy raised a brow. "what if i don't want to?" she asked and he huffed.

"then i might just have to force you to put it back on" he spoke.

Azaire rolled her eyes , but hid the small smile that was beginning to play on her lips.

she reached in her jewelry box and got out the bracelet, waving it to the screen. Jobe watched as she put it back on and he smiled.

he leaned forward once again.

"so...that guy. is he your boyfriend?"

Azzy just laughed.



— this is so bad omfg. i'll do a better
one , i promise

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