"A valuable lesson"

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The breakfast definitely helped (Y/N), both with her mood and lack of energy. Tasting that candy bar again was like a quick trip to her childhood, such a sweet and nostalgic feeling.

However the day was far from perfect. While and after eating she constantly felt Jason's eye on her, despite him trying not to be too obvious. The sensation made her feel uncomfortable and too self conscious despite his gaze not being hostile or strict, just curious.

But could you really blame (Y/N) for her discomfort? She already knows Jason is smart, what if he's also good at reading people? This guy hides so many secrets that it's scary... He could easily be six steps ahead of her and she wouldn't know!

Do you know that sensation when you walk past police officers and attempt to look as non-illegal as possible despite not doing anything bad? This is what the teen kept feeling like around Jason... Though he seemed pretty chill whenever she requested him something, like leaving her alone when she needed time or stop hugging her-.

Suddenly, a lightbulb ignited above (Y/N)'s head.

Once she gathered enough courage, she looks up at Jason, who was sitting on that wooden chair and cleaning his machete. The second he felt her eyes on him he stopped his activity and slowly lifted his gaze back to her, doing his characteristic head tilt.

—"I... I'm sorry if it's too much to ask but... Could you please take me somewhere to clean myself? I really dislike feeling dry blood on me. Especially because some of it is from my... Brother."— you say the last part with a hint of disgust.

Silence was set after these words left her mouth, and the lack of movement of reaction from Jason really made her wonder if now she did push her luck too far.

However, her worry began to slowly fade when she noticed Jason's gaze. Sure it was on her but it felt distant, as if his actual attention was directed towards something completely different from her.

He suddenly stands up after a moment, by his movements it seemed like he was following an order.

He walks towards (Y/N) and crouched down to take the chain around her ankle, but pauses for a second to look at her. His eye said it all, 'don't try anything funny.' The girl simply nods, her expression a tag nervous but her eyes shined a bit with excitement. No way it worked, no way he is actually going to take somewhere.

The chain soon was off her ankle, yet she couldn't experience freedom for too long because her hand was instantly trapped in Jason larger one, holding it with his firm iron grip as he pulls her off the mattress and to her feet, not harshly though.

Before leading her out, the man was thoughtful enough to pause in front of her bag of clothes to let her take some clean ones. And while (Y/N) was rummaging through it, Jason's hand was resting on her shoulder, not leaving her free for a moment.

Once everything she needed was gathered and her hand was back in his grip, the two began to walk along the underground tunnels. (Y/N), despite not having a clue where they're going and already being lost in the first turn, still did her best to keep track of any distinctive details and memorize the route as best as she could, but by how similar and dark each path was it resulted to be quite hard... Jason however, had no issue navigating and seemed to know exactly where to go.

She nearly bumps into him when the man suddenly stopped under a wooden lid, throwing her a glance before doing anything with it.

The girl understood his silent order, nodding while hugging her things closer.

—"I won't try anything. You've put this little trust on me, and I'm not screwing it up."— you look at him, really meaning your words.

The massive man, after apparently not finding any flaws in her voice or eyes, directs his attention to the lid and without much effort pushes it up until it opens. (Y/N) didn't even notice she was gaping a bit, but how couldn't she?! This guy pushed that thing up like it's nothing, but she knows for a fact that it is heavy as shit. Hell, when she attempted to open it, even with the help of Cody and Mark, the three of them had to put quite a fight to do it!

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