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"Charlotte, I swear if you ever think of leaving me on our table even for just one second I'm gonna roast that bunny of yours."

Michelle threatens Charlotte as they walk to their table.

"Don't bring my baby Phalo into this."

She stopped her on her tracks by slightly pulling her  towards her. "Just promise me?"

"I promise."

They were trailing behind the lovebirds who are now looking at them as they stand near their table. 

"Is something wrong?" Irfan noticed their little huddle earlier.

"Not at all, Michelle was just too worried for me she won't let me go to the comfort room alone."

Anntonia is having a streak of eye rolls due to Michelle's companion. It was supposed to be a lovely dinner between her and Irfan but it needed to be ruined with these two eyesores. Her mood wouldn't be this bad if Michelle chose to go home than put up with this Charlotte girl.

The lovebirds sat beside each other and across them were the two friends. Anntonia openly stared at Michelle, like a hawk watching its prey. Michelle smiles awkwardly as she looks at the menu with Charlotte. 

The woman in front of them saw how their shoulders touch and their heads leaning toward each other while they browse their menu, giggling and whispering at what to order. Does it really have to be that way when ordering? It only took her and Irfan to pick theirs for a good minute.

Growing impatiently, she nudged Michelle's leg with her foot under the table. Michelle looked up only to see Anntonia with a raised brow. 

"Ugh, I think I already know what I'll order, how about you?" 

"Almost, I'm unsure if I'll have the Ravioli or the Ricotta."

"Pick one and I'll pick the other, if you change your mind let's just swap. Is that okay with you?"

Anntonia gave her a look of disbelief. They just met and she's already okay sharing her food with her? 

She was a sour fruit during their meal, uninterested with their conversation. Irfan is surprisingly energetic and warm towards Michelle when he was hostile with their friendship just a few days ago. It also pisses her off because he's so supportive with whatever kind of status these two women have. 

Irfan and Charlotte spearheaded the flow of the conversation while the two were pre-occupied with their thoughts. 

All of a sudden, a group of violinists playing their version of 'Perfect' approached their table. They sat their dumbstruck at what's happening.

They plated for a while and as the song closes, a waiter holding a covered platter came out. Once he reached their table, he bent down just enough for Irfan to remove the cover and reveal a velvet box.

Lub dub

Lub dub

Lub dub

Hearts pounded rapidly at the anticipation of what's inside that box.

Michelle's eyes focused on Anntonia watching her reaction. She balled her fists to keep her emotions at bay.

Anntonia kept a neutral look but is actually nervous inside.

"Babe, I just want you to know how much you make me happy. We're almost nearing our third anniversary and I want to thank you for being with me and for being supportive all these years."

He held the box in his hands, ready to open it.

"It was  a tough journey for you being a paet of the Miss Universe and I am very proud of what you've achieved. You are always the winner for me."

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