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It was all our fault, plain and simple.

'You have committed treason!' The judge bellowed, his voice echoing through the chamber. 'How dare you disobey the greatest commandment of His Majesty, the Heavenly Emperor?! Begone this instance!'

Our forefathers' greed had led us to this sorry state of affairs. They had committed sins that were enough to banish them from the empire. And now, we were trapped in a barren land, surrounded by enemies who roamed the countryside to make us their prey. The harpies, led by the despicable Beliar, were a constant threat.

Then, on an unexpected day, an *archegete from the emperor's heavenly palace came with a message that shook the entire continent.

'By the command of His Majesty, the Almighty Ruler, I bring forth a proclamation of great importance.'

It was a momentous day—one that would change the course of the world. Some rejoiced, having yearned for this day for so long. Others—the skeptical and the hateful—scoffed.

The opportunity before us was to find a fragment of a treasure. It was said that once found, it would transform us into beings suited to the new kingdom that His Majesty had built—majestic beings, a new creation. We would shed this despicable nature that had befallen us since our banishment from the Empire and attain glorified bodies that only the chosen of the emperor could possess. This treasure would also serve as the guide and key to this new kingdom that the emperor offers.

"Daphne, do you want to go?" My friend's voice brought me back to the present.

I shrugged, unsure. I was skeptical about the whole thing. I had questions on my mind, and my current state of living made it impossible for me to rejoice in such news. I even noticed that I was slowly harboring hatred towards the cruelty of this quest.

Or so I thought.

Unexpectedly, I found myself drawn to the quest for the treasure—the key to the new kingdom promised to us. I did not know why or how, but there was a pull that I could not resist.

'Well... I suppose it is what it is. Let us see where this journey will lead us.'

- End -

*archegete - messenger or soldier of the Heavenly Emperor

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