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-Start of bio-

Name: Y/N

Last name: Unknown 

Eye color: Green

Hair color: ash blond

Height: 155 cm

Weight: 165 lbs.

Gender: Male

Blood type: A

Birthplace: A church

Birthday: October 4

Age: 15

Family: Non

Personality:  Y/N is a loud boy that often lot! He is always enthusiastic during his free time, is always determined and would never give up easily no matter how hard the situation gets. He works hard to reach his goals and would do anything to protect those around him. Despite this, he does have low intelligence from the lack of studying he gets from back home...or because he just doesn't want to study at all. Although his lack in intelligence, he is an expert in mid combat and sword techniques

Likes: The nun, food, fighting, helping people

Dislikes: Bad guys, giving up

Habits: Screaming, sword skills.

Skills: Doing crutches really fast


Quirk: Anti

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Quirk: Anti

Quirk description: The five leaf clover quirk, resides the devil itself that gives Y/N it's power.  As the name suggests. Y/N has the quirk to nullify anyone's quirks. With having the anti quirk, quirk effects from others could not effect him and even nullify the quirks from others. Even allowing the user to let out the three anti swords from his body.

Sword 1: Demon-slayer sword

Description: Demon-slayer sword, the main sword of the user that he uses to cut and reflect the quirks that are shot at him like lasers or anything shot at him. By manipulating the anti in his body he could use this sword to fly around to get around easier.

Sword 2: Demon-Dweller sword

Description: Similar to the demon-slayer sword, it's more lighter then the first, but has a different ability from destroying magic. It is able to absorb the quirks from others and would glow from the quirk it absorbed as it releases it in a powerful slash. Absorbing the magic that there to touch it, but can also connect the user to those who are close and can burrow the magic from them.

Sword 3: Demon-Destroyer sword

Description: Unlike the two, this sword can destroy the quirk effects of the anti tendrils it comes out from it that can destroy and cancel the further effects of quirks around the user. Not further known is about this sword as Y/N doesn't often use it.

Fighting style: Mid combat

Power: 4/5

speed: 4/5

technique: 3/5

intelligence: 1/5

Volume: 5/5

Origins: Where a world where people are born with quirks, it would always be determined on the type of clover there quirks are ranked by from the leaf's they get. With those getting three or four leaf's are always the greatest hope, but with one boy, having a quirk not like others have that gave him the ability to...cancel out other's quirks. The five leaf clover quirk...The quirk that resides the devil in it, the anti quirk. Not remembering where he got such a power from or even recalled if he was born with it from the start, but never less, with this power awakening in him, he will soon use this power to become something, and not a hero, let alone the number one, but becoming higher then that...the hero king.

-End of bio-

A/n: That's the end of the bio, Hope ya liked it. I started reading black clover and got really Into the story from how funny and awesome it was getting, mostly because asta screamed like a pigeon most of the time and I found it hilarious that I kept playing it on repeat till I pissed some people off. Sometimes I felt like that black clover and my hero academia went threw this weird rivalry that I wanted to combine those two in a way. 

Now I wanted to ask before the future chapters comes. which class do you wish Y/N to be in. Which do you wish Y/n to be in. For the purpose of the story.

A) Class 1a

B) Class 1b?

The anti quirk (Male Asta reader x my hero academia)Where stories live. Discover now