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Phillip's POV

I woke up from a loud noise from the kitchen.I went to se what it was and I saw Terrance trying to cook Breakfast.
,,Oh,good morning, Phillip!" he said giving me a warm smile and my heart basically melted. ,,It certainly is, Terrance!" I said, sitting next to him.

I looked down and saw that he was making pancakes.After he flipped one,he placed his head on my shoulder.
,, Doesn't it look delicious?" he whispered in my ear,and my face became pink.,,Y-Yes, they really d-do!"I sluttreted.
He then pulled away and paid again attention to the pancakes.Why am I so flustreted around him?The fuck is happening to me...

Terrance then flipped again the pancake and placed it on a plate and then went to make more.In the meantime,I grabbed the plate with the pancake and ate it.It was delicious,and for some reason the fact that it was made by Terrance made it even better.

After we ate Terrace decided to spend our free day by going to the amusement park together.

When we got there, Terrance immediately pulled me to the first rollercoaster he saw.He then payed for our ride and got in.My heart started to pound fast,not only because he was literally touching me,but because I am scared of rollercoasters. ,,Uhh, Terrance?" I muttered. ,,Yea?" He answered.

,, I'm... scared of rollercoasters.".He then chuckled and said smiling ,,Hold my hand if you're scared...!"I blushed and immediately grabbed his hand.It felt soft and warm and my stomach filled with butterflies.The f##k is this?...Why do I feel this way?I don't-
,,AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!!!" I yelled as the rollercoaster going down snapped me from my thoughts.Then it went in an air circle and I could feel all my blood going to my head for a second before it went back down.Then the rollercoaster slowly went up again and I could barely breathe from the yelling I did.I looked over to Terrance,who was just laughing and I wasn't sure if it was because of how
,,fun" the ride was or because of my yelling.Soon we got to the top and I held his hand tighter.Not even half a minute has passed and the rollercoaster went again down with the speed of the light as my yelling was flying all across the ride.

Lucky the ride was over and we both got off.
,, That was fun!" Terrance said. ,,We should do it again sometime!" ,,Nope.
Never again!.." I said, trying not to throw up.We then noticed that our hands were still connected and we both broke apart while staring at eachothers.Terrance started laughing and I...felt weird...his laughter felt like music to my ears...

,,Hey Phillip! Let's go to a Ferris wheel!" He said. ,,Ok" I agreed and then he grabbed my hand again and pulled me after him.I don't know why but I enjoy him holding my hand.The fuck?!... Ugh,I hope these weird feelings will fade away soon...I hate this.

We are in the cart of theFerris wheel and the atmosphere felt... romantic...Ugh what?I hate my mind...
,,Wow,the view is so cool!" ,,,Yea" I say.I feel nervous...I feel my heart beating so fast...I feel like my heart is about to explode...My eyes were glued to Terrance,who was watching down the view of the amusement park and of the shiny town full of lights...I can't see Terrance the same way as I did before...
because right now...I want to be more than what I am to him now...
,,Woa,look at the rollercoaster we went on!It has a cat on top of it!" He said laughing ,,Hah,yea!"I responded...now I know the answer... there's nothing wrong with me... I'm just in love... I'm in love with Terrance... ,, Hey Phill,I wanted to thank you for this wonderful day." He suddenly said. ,,Oh!Any time,buddeh!" I responded nervously.Then, without me noticing it,we both got lost in eachother's eyes deeply.I stared in his shiny ruby eyes.He then seemed to wake up from his day dream and looked away and I swear I saw some extra pink in his cheeks but I shaked it off.It's probably just a light illusion.

Soon we got off and went home and all I could dream of were his good looks and raven black hair and his sand coloured skin...

804 words

Ok,I have a good reason why I forgot to update this!I just got busy with school and my head was full of shits to turn into stories and today,after I posted the first chapter of ,, Idiots in Love" I remembered this story.I promise I'll update it more often.

Got inspiration from Moonstarmonst from their story ,,Adstin - Hope"

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