4-Chapter of The Wisdom and Knowledge

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Chapter of The Wisdom and Knowledge

Wisdom is the result of our knowledge and experience.

-The Philosopher Orod Bozorg

The drizzle of rain gently awakens the soil and seeds. Wisdom does not come suddenly too. It takes a long time, and the mind must be thirsty to learn.

-The Philosopher Orod Bozorg

Liberation and freedom of a person is the result of wisdom and knowledge.

-The Philosopher Orod Bozorg

I believe that wisdom will purify people.

-The Philosopher Orod Bozorg

Far-sighted people do not become toys of sudden and everyday events.

-The Philosopher Orod Bozorg

one who saw the glory of wisdom and thought, never bullied others.

-The Philosopher Orod Bozorg

A person will not be bound by everyday events only when flying beyond them in thought.

-The Philosopher Orod Bozorg

Wisdom is not limited to our knowledge, but is manifested in our actions.

-The Philosopher Orod Bozorg

Deviance will continue until there is no responsive thought.

-The Philosopher Orod Bozorg

Superior thought does not lose its superior ability in the days of storms or comfort.

-The Philosopher Orod Bozorg

The way to fight wrong thinking is to deal with right thinking. Any other way makes the root of deviance stronger.

-The Philosopher Orod Bozorg

Nature is a great teacher, the wise learn from its lessons.

-The Philosopher Orod Bozorg

Consciously adapting to the society around us and trying to improve our current position is the characteristic of wise people.

-The Philosopher Orod Bozorg

Even the silence of the wise is instructive.

-The Philosopher Orod Bozorg

A wise person only pays attention to reason and experience, not the temptation of the heart and speculation...

-The Philosopher Orod Bozorg

Scholars and philosophers are the foundations and pillars of the glory and prosperity of any land.

-The Philosopher Orod Bozorg

Talking to the wise and scholars is a rare reward.

-The Philosopher Orod Bozorg

The pleasant words of the wise calm the hearts.

-The Philosopher Orod Bozorg

The wise one calls everyone to freedom and enlightenment.

-The Philosopher Orod Bozorg

The wise look to the roots, and others to the branches.

-The Philosopher Orod Bozorg

The wise have a calm mind and a heart full of love.

-The Philosopher Orod Bozorg

The wise share their experiences and knowledge with others without hesitation.

-The Philosopher Orod Bozorg

Our Inside, is not hidden from the keen eyes of the wise

-The Philosopher Orod Bozorg

A wise person does not joke too much.

-The Philosopher Orod Bozorg

Thought can be imprisoned, but it cannot be destroyed.

-The Philosopher Orod Bozorg

A wise person does not become a bully, it is a despicable and stupid person who becomes evil and wicked.

-The Philosopher Orod Bozorg

The one who listens to the words of the wise is far from being humiliated.

-The Philosopher Orod Bozorg

There is no hope for the future of a wise man whose path is determined by an ignorant person.

-The Philosopher Orod Bozorg

He who despises rationality and wisdom is undoubtedly on the path to slavery.

-The Philosopher Orod Bozorg

People's stupidity and indifference make wise people cry a lot.

-The Philosopher Orod Bozorg

Enmity and hostility give a wise person the motivation to live.

-The Philosopher Orod Bozorg

Wise people do not become the inferior tools.

-The Philosopher Orod Bozorg

In the worst case, the wise man remains silent, but he does not lie.

-The Philosopher Orod Bozorg

Where the wise are worthless, unruly revolts and resurrections eventually take place.

-The Philosopher Orod Bozorg

We must weep for a country whose wise men are isolated.

-The Philosopher Orod Bozorg

The first step of the exploiters of the countries is first to destroy their elders and then to plunder their property.

-The Philosopher Orod Bozorg

Even the severed head of the wise speaks in a thousand ways.

-The Philosopher Orod Bozorg

We must weep for a land whose intellectuals always repeat the words of greedy rulers.

-The Philosopher Orod Bozorg

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