Chapter 4 - Pilot

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Damn, I'm not very creative when it comes to titles lol. Either way, enjoy or not. Also, damn this chapter, I had zero motivation left to write this one lol. So, forgive me for making this ahh ass chapter and my brain wasn't braining enough.

"Yeah, we built that rocket engine for you, Galvy, even though... you know... that's not really our thing. But there you have it. How are the Constructicons doing with those battle plans by the way?" - Onslaught.

-3rd Person-

"The planet looks dead." Brawl commented, his words echoing through the group as they all stared at the screen in front of them.

They had awoken an hour ago, with Onslaught waking from his stasis lock earlier than the rest. They were still en route to Copper-9. Upon waking, Onslaught relayed the news that the other Disassembly Drones had arrived before them, and they were now approximately 30 minutes away from reaching the planet.

Blast Off's head turned to Onslaught. "Onslaught, when did they arrive?"

Onslaught paused before showing the information up in the third screen. "According to the data, they arrived 8 months ago." It was earlier than he had anticipated. He had assumed the company would dispatch them with an additional year's delay, as stated. However, it seemed that the company couldn't wait any longer.

Blast Off narrowed his optics. "Eight months... Do you think they've managed to eliminate every drone on the planet?" He questioned.

"We'll ask 'em when we rendezvous with 'em." Onslaught replied.

Brawl's attention was soon turned away from the screen and pointed at Onslaught. "So, what are we gonna do when we get there, Onslaught?"

"First things first, Brawl: When we land, we will set this pod as our main operating base. The second: Rendezvous with the other Disassembly Drones designated N, V, and J." Onslaught answered Brawl without turning his attention away from the screen.

"What's the third objective?" Vortex interjected.

Onslaught paused. "Find alternative oil sources." Before displaying a map of an area of the planet that he had scanned for any oil sources while they were still in stasis lock. "This is the area of the planet I scanned for our landing point while you all were still in stasis lock. The blue areas indicate locations with oil, red indicates a possibility, and the uncolored areas signify no oil. Understand?"

"Got it, Onslaught."

"You bet."



Onslaught didn't say anything back and just nodded his head slightly. Suddenly, the inside of the ship started to glow red, accompanied by beeping sounds. The screen revealed their entry into the exoplanet's atmosphere, causing Onslaught to swiftly grab the console. "Hold onto something." The Decepticon soldiers obeyed their commander's order, securing themselves to prevent crashing into the ship's floor as the ship itself started to shake the further they went down.


-N's POV-

Another day, another failure in hunting down Worker Drones, as most of the remaining ones were hiding behind a giant door. He didn't see himself as bad at killing Worker Drones... or maybe he was. Because of this, he constantly received harsh criticism from J, though V didn't seem to care and ignored his existence 99% of the time even though he had a crush on her.

While returning to the landing pod, feeling as miserable as the day before. N spotted something bright falling from the sky, prompting him to shift his focus directly to it, zooming in for a closer look, he confirmed that it was indeed a landing pod falling down. However, it got him to wonder if more Disassembly Drones were dispatched by the company to help them in their mission. Did J have any knowledge of this? Could it possibly be the first group of Disassembly Drones that intended to arrive before them? It seemed plausible, but from what he knows; no Disassembly Drones were trained on how to land. But even If it were them, how did they manage to repair their ship? His memories went back to the point where J explained that the first group of Disassembly Drones experienced a malfunction in their landing pod and ended up on a different planet, could it be they landed on a planet filled with Worker Drones? That was the only logical conclusion he could come up with.

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