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"Alright my party bitches how are you all doing tonight?!" Bee said as she once again had another party.

The crowd went wild.

"Yeah that's what I'm talking about!" Bee pumped her fist. "Tonight my baby Bee and her dance crew have a special show for us today so lets get started!"

The whole hive went wild since just about all of them knew Harmony since Bee's first party to celebrate Harmony coming into their lives and now she was sixteen and an amazing performer just like her mom. Bee flew over to her boyfriend Vortex who she's been dating since Harmony was eight. Vortex clapped excitedly along with everyone else as Harmony and her crew from dance school appeared and performed.

(Play Video On Top)

Bee howled happily with the other hounds and everyone around cheered.

"Get some eats crew." Harmony told her friends before she was swept up in Bee's four arms.

"That was amazing baby." Bee told her.

"Dang girl that was one helluva show, great job." Vortex told her.

"Thanks." Harmony grinned.

"Now who's hungry?" Bee said as she makes another huge buffet table appear.

"Um Bee, don't you have a meeting to get to?" Vortex asked.

"Oh I'll just be fashionable late." Bee shrugged. "No way was I gonna miss my daughters performance."

"Go ahead mom, I got the rest handled." Harmony told her before kissing her cheek. "Tell the others I said hi. Except Mammon, he sucks."

"Yes yes he does." Bee agreed before giving her daughter a big kiss on the cheek and Vortex's lips before flying out.

"Why did mom have a party on the meeting day today?" Harmony asked Vortex.

"You know your mom." Vortex chuckled. "Always looking for a reason to party."

"Better get some cake before it's only two layers." Harmony said before going over to it.

When the party ended Harmony just snapped her fingers and the place was spotless. "I'll be in my room."

"Alright." Vortex gave her the thumbs up. Not too long after Bee came home in a rage. "Bee what's wrong?"

"Those fucking bastards!" Bee punched a hole in the wall and lifted up a table before throwing it.

"Bee Bee, whoa hey, what's wrong?" Vortex asked.

"They agreed that Harmony can't be my heir because she's never had an education! Did you know dance classes didn't count?!"

"Well why don't we just send Harmony to school then? It sounds like an easy fix." Vortex suggested.

Bee stopped stomping around and breaking things before turning to Vortex. "You know what, you're right. I'll show those dickheads that my baby is gonna be the greatest heir ever. They're probably just jealous at how awesome my baby is anyway. But I don't want my baby bee to go to just any school, she needs to got to the best school." Bee pulled out her phone and started looking up schools. "Now this school has to give great educations, events, and one of the best dance teams in the world... Oh! How about this one?" Bee shows Vortex.

Vortex took a look and frowned. "Uh Bee, that school is in the mortal world."

"So what? It's one of the best schools anywhere and look. The king is named Beast and the head of the school is a fairy! My little girl will fit right in!"

"Um Bee, I don't think..."

"I'm going to check it out. Send out more invites."

"Bee, we just had a party."

"Not for Harmony going to school." Bee said before she heads out.

"This will end badly." Vortex sighed. 

Daughter of Hades Descendants AU Raised In GluttonyWhere stories live. Discover now