Signing Up

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Ben and his dad were going over some paperwork when a couple walk in. A very tall man with strong muscles and a very thin woman with very colorful hair and clothes.

"Wow Vortex. Look at this place! It's so clean yet I'm getting so many different vibes here." Bee bounced.

"Can we help you?" King Beast asked the couple.

"Oh yes!" Bee rushed over. "I'm Queen Bee and this is my boyfriend Tex, we were hoping we could sign our daughter up for this school. The other royals are being such buzzkills saying my sweet little baby bee can't be my heir without an education. Did you know dance classes doesn't count? So lame right?"

"Actually this is great timing." Ben stood up. "I'm already inviting four other students to come join this school. I'm sure having your daughter join will be no problem."

"Aw, you're a cutie." Bee pinched his cheeks. "My little girl and you can be great friends you're both sweeter than honey. "

"Alright Bee." Vortex walked over. "Give the boy some space. Sorry about that, she's just nervous, her and Harmony are very attached."

Ben chuckled nervously while rubbing his cheek. "Understandable. I'll give you the forms, I'll be sure to welcome your daughter properly."

"Could you? That'd be so great." Bee smiled big. "My baby bee is a social butterfly but she's never been in an actual school with textbooks and stuff."

"I'm sure she'll have no problem fitting in." Ben assured. "I'll be looking forward to meeting her."

"Thanks man." Vortex gave him a friendly grin before gently turning Bee to the door. "Come on girl, lets let these two get back to work."

"Oh right right, work, omg, we still need balloons for the party." Bee jumped as they left.

The next night everyone was gathered at Bee's hive for another party. Harmony was surprised to hear this party was to celebrate her going to a fancy royal school, but once her mom explained the reason for her needing to go there she agreed to it. She has been worried that one day her mom will party too hard and get hurt so if she ever wants to take over her mother's ring when her mom couldn't she wanted to do it right. Harmony might have been just as loved as her mom but being one of the highest royals in Hell was a big deal and huge responsibly.

"You good?" Vortex asked her as he walked up.

"Yeah, I'm good, just thinking about what happens if I don't pass this school thing." Harmony told him.

"I saw the place myself with your mom, it seems alright." Vortex patted her shoulder gently. "We know you'll try, even if your grades aren't the best your mom and I will be proud."

"Harmony!" Bee flew over. "What do you think? Too much? Too little?"

"It's perfect mom." Harmony assured.

"Oh good, just wait till you see cake. My very best baker made it just for you!" Bee said as she pulled her over.

Hestia smiled at the sight of Harmony, she has grown to be a caring and loving girl she was proud to call her niece in secret. Hestia kept tabs on her cruel sister and heartbroken niece to make sure they never find Harmony. Of course they would never think to look in Hell with the party girl known as one of the seven deadly sins. Harmony did have so many features of her brother. His eyes, his fangs, and of course his blue fire hair.

"Hestia, as always girl you make it look so damn easy." Bee smiled at the sight of the beautiful cake.

"It's just nice to bake one for someone who appreciates it." Hestia said softly to her. "So Harmony, finally going to school. I didn't know they had schools around here."

"Oh she's not going here, she's going to this royal school in the mortal world. Auradon Prep."

Hestia's eyes widened at the sound of the name. She knew that Auradon Prep was right in the sight of the Isle prison Harmony's dad is on.

"Are you sure you want to send here there?" Hestia asked.

"Why wouldn't I?" Bee asked as she tasted the flavor change Hestia had.

Hestia quickly pulled Bee and Vortex away so they can talk in private. "Harmony's father is trapped on the isle next to it and I'm pretty sure Zeus's grandson goes to that school."

Bee and Vortex both widened their eyes at that. Hestia has told them about Harmony's birth family and what could happen if they found her.

"Oh man, that's not good. Bee, maybe we should forget this whole thing." Vortex said.

Bee growled and clenched her fists hard. "If they lay a filthy hand on my little girl."

Harmony stopped eating some party food as soon as the vibe around her changed and quickly went to find her mom.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22 ⏰

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Daughter of Hades Descendants AU Raised In GluttonyWhere stories live. Discover now