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"Hey uh, Pops?" John B called, knocking on the door to his father's study.
"I'm workin John B!" Big John called back his son gruffly.
"There's a uh letter for you."
"There's a letter!"
"Oh for shits sake John B I've told you not to disturb me when I'm working, what in god's name is so darn imp-" Big John grumbled, emerging from his study and stopping blankly at John Bs outstretched hand holding a letter.

"Who's it from?" John B pestered as his father read worriedly pacing around the kitchen.
"It's uh, it's uncle T ,son."
"Uncle Teddy? What's he want?"
"That's what I'm tryna figure out if you'd be quiet for 1 goddamn minute."
"Sorry." John B mumbles, rolling his eyes at his father's dramatics.
"Shit! Shit shit shit!"
"Your aunt Kathy's dead."
"She's dead are you deaf now boy? Uncle T needs somewhere for your cousin to stay while he's workin."
"Can we circle back to aunt Kathy for a second."
"What's there to circle, she's worm food now boy."

His father was unnaturally calm about his family member's death but John B chose not to question it. His dad has always been odd about family matters, never really letting on the full story. John B could always tell when his father was lying about something because his father would push it aside and act like it was nothing. This was the case with aunt Kathy but considering the other news about his cousin he decided it was better not to ask.

"How dya feel about sharing your room kid?"

John B narrating

So, here we are. That's how my cousin came to live with us. At 12 years old Sonny Dawson-Routledge showed up on the island and she hasn't left since. She's a year younger than me and really she's just become like a little sister. We're closer than ever, especially since dad went missing.

A few introductions I suppose.
This, is The Outer Banks, Paradise on Earth. It's the sort of place where you either have two jobs or two houses.
Two tribes, one island.
There's figure 8, the rich side of the island. Home of the kooks. So guess where we don't live...

Then there's the south side or the cut. Home of the working class who make their living bustin tables, washing yachts, running charters... Natural habitat of, drumroll please, The pogues.
That's us.
Pogues, pogies, throwaway fish, lowest member of the food chain.

So the downside of pogue life, we're ignored nd neglected. But the upside of pogue life? We're ignored and neglected!
We do whatever we want whenever we want.

 But the upside of pogue life? We're ignored and neglected!We do whatever we want whenever we want

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That's JJ, my best friend since the third grade. He's about as local as they come. Next in a long line of fishing, drinking,  smuggling, vendetta-holding, salt-lifers who made their living off the water. Best surfer I know, just don't tell him I said that. He's a mild kleptomaniac, future tax-cheat who's got the hots for my cousin...and just about any girl with legs.

Thats Kiara, or Kie as we call her

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Thats Kiara, or Kie as we call her. When she's not saving turtles or listening to Marley or getting a dolphin tattoo she hangs out with us. We're not really too sure why though... See she's a rich kid, foot in both worlds. Her family own The Wreck, this Outer Banks institution. Total cash cow with the tourists. I'm not too sure how her parents feel about us, we've all sorta got a thing for her, even Sonny. I mean...can ya blame us.

There's Pope, the brains of the operation

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There's Pope, the brains of the operation. Finalist for the Lucas T, Vanderhorst scholarship and the smartest person I know. Little bit of a weirdo. His dad's this legendary character Heyward. Anything you wanted on the island Heyward could get it for you. I'm not sure what Heyward thought to make of his oddball son but it doesn't matter. He's a pogue. Just like the rest of us.
Speaking of which

 Speaking of which

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Last but certainly not least, Emerson or Sonny as everyone knows her

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Last but certainly not least, Emerson or Sonny as everyone knows her. My little cousin and the coolest girl I know. When she's not skipping school to blaze up with JJ or plotting pranks against the kooks she can usually be found singing at the local pub. She's an amazing singer, just don't let her know I told you that. If she ever gets off this island she's gonna be big, but for now we're keepin her close. Our own little songbird.

So, that's my crew. We're the pogues and our mission this summer, is the have a good time all the time.

Author's note:

This is the first part of this story, just a lil introduction. Of course PSA I do not own any of the original OBX characters I only own Sonny and any other OCs I add as the book continues. This book will be based around the plot of the show but as it's mostly gonna be from my OCs perspective it ofc won't be exactly cannon and I may add or take out some stuff from the original plot. I'm excited for y'all to see this story unfold. Lots of love,

Not Strong Enough - JJ Maybank Where stories live. Discover now