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Cosmo and Tails were out shoving snow and putting salt on the ground to prevent ice.

Cosmo sighed and heard children laughing. She looked up and saw them playing in the snow.

Then she saw a Little cat girl running in the snow when she accidentally slip on ice. And was crying .

The girl's older sister saw that and walked fast to her.

The little girl reached for her sister. The older sister picked up her Baby sister. Hugged her while she was crying and telling her it's alright.

Cosmo looked at this as a tear leaked from her eye.

Tails stopped shoving and looked at Cosmo seeing her cry looking at the sisters.

Tails went thinking about something and went to talk to Cosmo.

Tails : "Hey, Cosmo, We are pretty much taken care of the driveway. Let's go inside for some rest..."

Cosmo rubbed her eye


Cosmo and Tails went inside and out the shovels away.

Later at night

Cosmo rested her head on a pillow on a couch in the living room.

She was looking outside and in deep thought.

Tails was behind a counter looking at Cosmo.

Tails: "She has not said anything all day..."

Tails went to Cosmo to see what was wrong.

Tails: "Hey Cosmo"

Cosmo: "Hey, Tails.~"

She said still looking at the window .

Tails sat next to her

Tails: "Hey, are you ok? You seem down all day..."

Cosmo sighed and looked down.

Cosmo:"I am Sorry. It's just.... I was thinking about my big sis Galaxina~..."

Tails: "Oh yeah...what was she like?"

Cosmo smiles remembering her big sister.

Cosmo smiles remembering her big sister

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Cosmo: "She was smart, reliable , down to earth

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Cosmo: "She was smart, reliable , down to earth.
Everyone looked to her on the ship i was born.~

She was someone you could always rely on. And when I made mistakes she would help me."

Tails looked in awe of the image of Galaxina

Tails: "She sounds like an amazing person.I really wished I could meet her..."

Tails holds Cosmo's hand.

Authors note: This is my favorite scene in Sonic X

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Authors note: This is my favorite scene in Sonic X. It says so much with out words.

Tails: "I'm sure your sister is extremely proud of you..."

Cosmo snuggle next to Tails.

Cosmo: "Thanks, Tails~..."

They stay close to each other enjoying the snow.

To be continued...

Sonic X Season 4: Joys of the MundaneWhere stories live. Discover now