New Life

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Tails and Cosmo went back to their home.

Tails:" That was an awesome new years "

Cosmo:" Yeah I really enjoyed it."

The couple walked into the door and turned on the lights.

Tails:" Well, let us see what this new year brings."

Tails remembered leftovers needs to be put away and check on the plant.

And looked at Cosmo.

Tails;" I'm going to put this food away in the fridge in the Garage. Be right back "

Cosmo:" Okay, I'm eating the rest of the slice of cake that Amy made."

Tails went the garage thinking about the plant.
Wondering when it was going to sprout. Being a dad so young was a task that he felt was going to be overwhelming. However, he will deal with it and do his best.

However, he was completely not aware that he was being watched

A shadowlike figure was curiously watching him.

Tails looked up and gasped at the sight of the desk.

The plant pot was missing.

He looked around to see that the pot was on the ground away from the desk.

Tails panicked and called out to Cosmo.

Tails:"Cosmo!!!Cosmo!!! The plant is missing!!"

Cosmo rushed to the garage and  look around the room frantically.

Cosmo:" What!!! Where did it go? "

Tails thought that it could be too far until a sound echoed across the room.


Something fell on the ground. Tails and Cosmo went to inspect it. It was a bolt? Then dawned on them, that the plant was above them.

They slowly looked up to see a shadow with glowing blue eyes

Tails called to shadow.

Tails:" Come on down, we will not hurt you."

The shadowy figure tilted its head slowly then flapping was heard as the shadow came down as it came down

As the creature landed near the couple, but not close.
The couple looked shocked at the being.
Tails:" Woah!!"

Cosmo had tears in her eyes.

Cosmo:" Oh my-, Tails I can't believe it!!!"

The clouds parted letting the moonlight shined through the garage revealing the being.

The clouds parted letting the moonlight shined through the garage revealing the being

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Art by me.

The being was a fusion of Cosmo and Tails. She was wearing a dress with the colors of a forest. Her face was like Cosmo with Tails features. She had two tails like her father.

Yes, this was the daughter of Tails and Cosmo, a fusion of animal and plant life. A symbol of Tails and Cosmo's love.

Their daughter looked curiously at her two parents not aware who they are.

Tails and Cosmo teared up, she was better than any thing they could ever imagine.

Tails:" She is so precious, I can't believe it."

Cosmo:" She had your eyes"

Tails:" And she has your hair..."

The being walked slowly to them.

Tails: " Hello, to the world, I am your papa.."

He put out his hand showing he was not a threat.

Cosmo:" Hello, I'm your Mama"

Cosmo holded out her hand.

Their child  cautiously walked to them then took their hands warmly. Then she smiled which was pleasant like the sun.

Cosmo and Tails took their baby in for a hug.Then they parted with their daughter tails wagging.

Cosmo:" Our child looks older than a seedrian born but, I thought she was just going to a seedrian. Also , our little one is part fox how is this possible? "

Tails:" I honestly don't know but, while she can walk and fly . It looks  like she can't talk yet. Which I don't know how that works but she is a entirely new being. Not completely plant life and animal life. An entire new species.."

Tails then though about Super Sonic and Shadow.Then it clicked.

Tails:" I think Chaos Regeneration did more than was intended. "

Tails thought about their daughter she still needed a name. Tails looked outside and had an idea.

Tails picked his daughter up in his arms carefully.

Tails: " Come on, let's show her something."

Tails, Cosmo and their daughter went outside to see the moon and stars.

Tails, Cosmo and their daughter went outside to see the moon and stars

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The night sky sparked beautifully with the stars. The crescent moon shined brightly in the heavens above.

Tails set his daughter on the ground.The child looked the stars in awe and raise her hand to touch them and gave up when she realized she could not.

Tails:" That is the beauty, of life.."

Tails rubbed his daughter's hair, he hugged her and Cosmo close to him with his Tails.

Tails:" My sweet little, Amagi"

Tails looked at Cosmo

Tails: " Is that ok?"

Cosmo smiled in approval.

Cosmo:" Amagi, I like that.."

Tails" What do you think of your new name.."
Tails kneeled to his daughter

Amagi smiled happy at her new name hugging her dad.

Then she hugged her mother.

The Prower family looked to the stars celebrating their new daughter Amagi to the world.

To be continued

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