we found him 24

26 2 1

The next day no one can't wait for night and after everyone completed their class minho was in the libaray as seugmin is taking care of felix today , he standed up to went outside but the librarian called him " minho-ssi I know you're going through a tough time but I believe you'll find your boyfriend."he said putting hand on minho's shoulder and then patting his head.
"Thanks sir!" Minho smiled at him and went outside.
He straight went to felix "felix how are you feeling?"
"I feel okay nothing much , I can't wait for night when jisung will be with us."
"Me too felix , me too!"

After dinner^jimin was in their room
"So I hacked through the device from which the video came and it's location is in the western side of campus."
"Western side means the forest!" Chan said thinking.
" yess and it's in the middle right side of forest an underground room."
"So what we're waiting for?" Hyunjin said.
"You guys have used your powers before right?"
"Ofc all of us has taken special classes with weapons for one years." Changbin said proudly.
"Great you should get your weapons too ! I'm waiting on the backside of botany classes building okay!" Jimin said and went outside.
"OKAY!" Everyone said in unison.
......time skips.....

They all were heading toward the underground room and soon they find a metal door under some bushes , chagbin broked it with his hammer in one shot , they all went in (except jimin as being an angel he cant fight and no one can hit him too )and then out of nowhere so many men were their blocking them to go further.
"How did they find out that we're coming?" Seungmin said looking at them.
"I think it's time to test out skills." Minho said in a psycho tone and all of them started killing the men.
Changbin ran in a man who was running at him and powered his hammer ( if this make sense?) And hit straight into the man and it went through his body , Chan took his gun and started shooting them , seugmin was having his own power moved his hand and the man become plants their ( woahh my imagination sucks)
Hyunjin was using his strength and after he caught a man he is producing high pitched voice in their ears so that they die right away( which didn't affected others because his voice only hurted whom he wanted) minho was using his beloved knife and was cutting the man's bodies all over , his one stab of knife can kill one person in one stroke and when many of them were killed Chan signaled him to go find jisung , he went through many doors but he can't find jisung and when he opened the last door there he was jisung his love ......unconscious!
But before he can go to untie him he felt a something on his head...."drop your knife Babe." Someone spoke and minho did as he said and soon he saw a man coming from his back but the gun on his head was still there , the man was wearing a mask but he seemed familiar to minho. He picked up minho's knife and went to jisung "you didn't even think for a second that if you brought jisung with you felix's life will be in danger." He said putting the his hands on jisung's neck..
"-heyy stay away from him." Minho growled and took the gun that was hanging behind him and point it at the man but in meantime the placed the knife on jisung's neck...
"Put away that thing from my baby." But the man just pressed the knife more in jisung's neck and jisung woke up after feeling the pain. He opened his eyes to see his love.."M-minho hy-yung."was all he said " don't worry ji I'm here now okay." ( we got jisung after many chapters hehe..)
"NO hyu-ung you'll g-get hu-urt."
" and you think I'll go without taking you with me."
"Hey stop this little meeting of yours and minho you're not on a point to deal anything."
"I will kill you for hurting my baby..." he shooted the man but when he opened his eyes no one was there , jisung was gone from the chair and the man was also nowhere to be found. Everyone came after hearing the gunshot and minho collapsed on the floor
"He was this c-close to me and I-i wasn't able to s-save him." Minho whispered silently.....................
"But how did they find out about us coming here? Wait? Minho whats on your neck?" Jimin picked the thing and said.
"A microphone...?"


So next chpater will be jisung's pov because now we have to see everything from jisung's prespective also hehe...
How are you guys/gals/others?

I Suck at writing fighting scenes¿¿

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