prank? 22

27 3 11

"NO!! NO no!"
Minho opened the door quickly not wanting to see anything bad while the others just followed him.
But when he opened the door he saw felix and jeongjn in blanket reading a book , he didn't wasted a second and hugged the youngers tearing up.
" minho what was that for?"Chan said worridely as how minho just acted.
" Who dared to do this type of prank? its not funny at all!" He said showing the paper in his hand and then scrambling it before throwing it on the ground. Hyunjin picked up that note and all of them read it.
" ofc this is not a thing to be joked about." Changbin said in disbelief.

Just that something came inside from the window straight hitting the photo fram of minho and jisung on jisung's side table.
It was going to hit seugmin but hyunjin pulled him on time.

" Now who the fuck did this?" Hyujin said getting angry.
Minho went their a took the broken photo frame softly and placed it again on table while admiring jisung in that photo and then picked up the thing. It was a stone and a paper tied around it.

Got scared my little kitten huh!? So I think it's the time to tell you something , I just send something on jisung's laptop go watch it!

Chagbin took the paper from minho's hand and they read it while minho ran for jisung's laptop , he opened jisung's study table's desk and pulled out the laptop, he opened it but it has password he asked felix for password
" Oh i-its 'min♥️ji'."
Minho entered the password while remembering jisung and opened the file sent by a unknown person. In meantime everyone was sitting beside minho. started playing.....

First is was all dark but then a husky voice was heared " ohh hello minho and all of you guys, I know all of you are watching it but my messages is especially for my Babe minho."
Minho furrowed.
"So first of all I want every beloved of minho to die hmm.. First my only intention was to get felix's birthstone but when I saw how well and handsome minho had grown it was hard for me to take away my eyes from him and when I saw jisung I was amazed by his beauty too but I'm still head over heels for minho and as I have jisung so it was nice playing with him." And then the person moved the camera and showed jisung tied on a chair his hair messed up, some hickeys on his neck and a slap mark on his face and a little blood from his lower lip. The camera turned again in darkness " so I want minho and if he didn't came you will receive jisung's dead body and felix isn't going to live long though and I have felix birthstone and you know how rare it is , if I didn't get minho I still have this stone and will get powerful but If I get minho I'll give this stone and jisung back. These are the only things I want okay!" ended.....
" how he dared to touch my ji , h-he touched him , k-kissed him , slappe-ed him." Minho started tearing up.
" Who the fuck this person was?" Chagbin said getting angry.
" I myself don't k-know?" Minho said getting confused.
" but did you guys noticed he said handsome minho had grown it means he knows minho before like from when he was young." Hyunjin said thinking.
"Who this person can be? and he wants you." Chan said.
" he didn't even left a clue in this video of finding him now how we're going to find jisung?"jeongin said.

"Umm..maybe I can help."
They all turned from where the voice came.

How are you guys/gals/others?
Sorry that it was short but I myself haven't written what will happen next but I have it planned in my head so next chapter will be out the day after tomorrow I think, but if I wrote it today then next chapter will be out tomorrow.

Btw try guessing who the person is?
Hint: most unexpected person.hehe..

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