Chapter One: ''The Kingdom''

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This AU is not canon! Some might be, but the rest isn't.

I completely forgotten this AU, and that I wanted to make a Wattpad story about it, sooo... here it is.

This took a couple of days to finish, but I think I'm a little happy with it.

Yes, I know that I made a lot of stories that I don't really update and I'm sorry about that. Also I will try to make this chapters, longer than normal chapters. Heads up, rest of the chapters may not be as long as this one.

Word Count: 2937


The snow falls silently in the abandoned kingdom.

The destroy Black Citadel was fully covered in snow, the tribes are all gone, and the Great Chocolate Wall was completely destroy.

Ever since the kingdom was destroy and most likely abandoned, the Licorice Sea hadn't attack since then, only strange growls would be heard in the kingdom.

The police had confirm that, since there wasn't any traces or clues about if there any survivors or even life, this case was unsolvable and were soon be forgotten, which did happened.

Everything was quiet, almost like it was... peaceful.

The snow continue to fall without stop, the woods were quiet which was strange. And there was the hidden pink goo fill river, it was very dangerous and deadly.

If you ever see it, then run for your lives if you want to continue living.

There weren't any cookie living there anymore, only few dead ones. It been hard for king Dark Cacao's friends. They don't really know what to do or how to react to this-

"C'mon!" Gingerbrave shouted before stumbling towards the snow cover grass.

"Ok, calm down. Remember, we're here to look for traces of where could the probably 'survivors' went." Chili Pepper said, fixing her scarf a bit.

"I know there are survivors! Plus, this is a kingdom full of warriors-!"

"Was full of warriors. I have to admit, I agree with Chili Pepper here. I don't think there is survivors." Wizard cut him off.

Gingerbrave huffs as Strawberry rubs her hands together to keep them warm. Custard Cream shiver every now and then, which makes the group stop to warm up.

Wizard would use magic to create a campfire that doesn't blow away due to this harsh weathers.

When the group is warm enough, they continue to look around in their new environment for any signs.

"Gingerbrave! There is NOTHING here! Let's just back home, or at least the Vanilla kingdom!" Wizard shouted as his scarf almost flew off.

"No! I still believe that there are sur-" Gingerbrave was interrupted by the ground cracking beneath him.

The group stop moving as more cracks appeared, the growling was heard making Strawberry jumped in fear. Custard Cream looked around while moving closer to Strawberry. Since she was the closest, Chili Pepper grabbed Gingerbrave shoulder.

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