Chapter Two: ''Mountains''

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I have finally done this chapter after a whole month of waiting for my motivation to come back to do this chapter.

Heads up! Some of these warnings, might be in this chapter or at least in chapter three...

This chapter may contained: Jam(blood), deaths(or mention), violence(?), voices. If you don't like any of this, you may skip this chapter and chapter three since it would mostly contained theses.

Also, spoiler ahead! The very last chapter might most likely be called: "Betrayal"

This took at least two days to finished this chapter..

Word Count: 2411


The group split up in two teams, Wizard and Strawberry will be staying in the village making sure nothing happens. And Chili Pepper, Custard Cream, Gingerbrave and Caramel Arrow went off to the mountains to search for a lost friend of hers.

The mountains were tall and silence.

The snow fall faster and harsher than in the now fallen Dark Cacao kingdom. The snow never stopped once, never resting, so was the winds. The winds were much more harsher than the snow was.

Faint footsteps was made by the group, as they walked up the mountain, in search of any survivors or at least... him.

"Whoa! So whoever this cookie was, traumatized the king himself?!" Gingerbrave asked, making sure his scarf doesn't fly away, due to the harsh winds of the mountains.

"I..... wasn't able to stop them from reopening his past trauma...." Caramel Arrow said in a defeated tone of voice.

They were walking in the snow cover ground. Caramel Arrow hung her head towards the ground as Chili Pepper stayed on alert for any slight sound and noise near them.

Custard Cream stare at her before looking ahead of them.

They were all silence as the snow and winds was heard, it been like this for a while now.

As the group continue walking the mountains. Custard Cream started to hear faint whispers in his head, saying:

"Turn back now!"

"Don't go into the shelter!!"

"Death ahead!"

Custard Cream flinched a little, after the voices disappeared, when Gingerbrave found a piece of cloth on a dead tree branch.

Caramel Arrow took the cloth off to inspect it, before her eyes widen in fear. "This.... This belong to.."



"Crunchy Chip..." she responded with little panic in her voice. "This... This... It looked like it been here jut a few minutes ago!?"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19 ⏰

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