Chapter 8

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Hayes POV*

i looked up to see a tall boy standing in the door way with his mouth wide open. he looked to be Hispanic. he had black hair it looked like a mushroom on his head but at least he was dressed well, kind of like me. He had on a blue shirt, khakis, and blue and black Kobe 9's. i got off of Kenzie and got up and dusted myself off. she did the same.

Teo's POV*

i was still shocked by what i saw. I've liked Kenzie since forever. She fought a girl over me and got expelled on the last day of school. And now i come to see her and ask her out and this what i see. i knew the guy too

It was that Guy from Vine,She was always talking about......Hayes Grier. i looked at Kenzie she had grass in her hair i walked over to her and picked it out.

"uhh....thanks i didn't expect you to be here so early" "when i called i wasn't that far away"

"oh um this is h-" i cut her off "Hayes Grier..i know isn't he your neighbor too" she nodded she opened her mouth to say something but i spoke to quickly

"hiya Hayes, Whats good bro" i gave him a fake smile i wanted to rip his head off and tear it into a million pieces

"i'm doing Great Teo thanks" he said he looked nervous and scared, probably because i am 4 or 5 inches taller than him.

"hey you guys want lunch?" Mrs. Beale said as she opened the back door "actually mom nope i think we will just go chill in my room" she walked inside following after her mom i followed as well admiring her ass. When we went to her room the tension was so thick you could cut through it with a chainsaw.

i kept staring at Hayes with this Death Glare and i guess he noticed because he finally snapped "OK DUDE!...what's your problem, why do you keep looking at me like that?!"

"Maybe because you kissed the girl i liked all my life and she put a girl in the hospital because s loves me that much"

Mackenzie's POV*

Hayes looked at me with a surprised looked "is that true Kenzie"he asked softly. i nodded "Hayes i liked him that much, note i said liked." Teo looked at me in disbelief "WHAT?!"

"Teo I'm dating Hayes and i love him" i looked at him with an apologetic look. Teo raised his voice "YOU'VE ONLY KNOW THIS FUCKER FOR..." he stopped it was silent for a second "you put Laura in the hospital because you loved me..NOW I'M GOING TO THE SAME WITH HAYES" he did something i never think i would never see him do he attacked Hayes and started throwing punches Hayes tried to fight back but Teo was too strong i screamed at Teo "STOP TEO! PLEASE!STOP!"

I ran downstairs screaming for help my dad ran over to me asking whats wrong

"DADDY ITS TEO HE..HE" i could get the words out i was crying too hard to even be able to breath i just ran up stairs and he followed when we got to the room my dad pulled Teo off of Hayes and started yelling at him Teo just smiled as if he was satisfied with what he has done he had blood all over his hands

I ran over to Hayes balling my eyes out, he Had Blood all over his face and his leg was definitely broken. i guess My mom called the cops and the ambulance judging my Teo's Hands. i could here the siren's wailing, and see the lights getting closer.

i looked down at Hayes and whispered "Hold on Baby, your'e gonna be ok.....just stay with me" "Kenzie?" "yes Hayes" "promise me when i'm in the hospital you'll come visit, i want to be able to see your beautiful face everyday" "of course Hayes"

"Oh and Babe" he said weakly "mhmm" "i love so much" he smiled a bit , after he said that I cried so hard i couldn't breath, but i manage so say "i love you more"

"don't cry Kenzie i'll be ok just like you said baby" i nodded and tried to stop crying but couldn't that wouldn't stop coming

the paramedics came in my room and lifted him off the ground onto the stretcher and carried him out to the ambulance i followed.i watched as they put him in he managed to wave a little goodbye to me. i saw a cop handcuffing Teo i ran over to him and smacked him in the face "THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT, ALL YOUR FUCKING FAULT , BITCH I HOPE YOU KNOW I'LL NEVER FORGIVE YOU ASSHOLE" i grabbed him by the throat he couldn't do anything cause he was handcuffed. and i punched him straight up in the face. an officer grabbed me from behind and told me to calm down. i walked over to the officer that put Teo in the car

"excuse whats going to happen to that Brazilian son of bitch...actually i could less shits just tell me he'll be in jail for a long time..?"

"i don't know about that missy"

"ugh fuck it"

i ran over to a crying Mrs. Grier

"Mackenzie dear what happened"

i started from when Hayes asked me out..

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