
587 16 14

🚨⚠ Mentions of gore, abuse, limbs and guts are present.

Readers point of view

All three of us were chased into the gymnasium, after we dashed inside, we saw 14 other people who were freaked out and scared. Except this green-haired guy who... Was unusually calm, how suspicious!

???: "Ohh...  More people have arrived!"

???: "Did you all get chased by that monster, too?!"

Kaede akamatsu: "O-oh.. Yeah, we did.."

Kaede scratched her head nervously, all three of us weren't expecting more people...

Meanwhile, I started getting frustrated. There's more mortals, way too many of them! I should really blend in.. But how?.. Ugh, mortals are too confusing!

???: " What.. Are they? What do they want with us...?"

???: "Do you want me to check on what's happening?"

???: "You can't, it's too dangerous out there!"

???: "it's likely that monster still lurks nearby..."

I looked around, then got confused and tilted my head
why was there... A kid here? Oh wait no that's a boy who's just really short. Oops. He kind of reminds me of the Melusines...

Kaede akamatsu: "Wait! Who are you guys?? Why are we even here?!"
Kaede yelled, confused.
I'm keeping an eye on that green-haired guy, he's TOO suspicious...

???: "And that makes 17."

Kaede akamatsu: "..What?"

???: "I'm talking about us, there's 17 of us— all highschoolers."

I raised a brow, what was a "high schooler"?...

???: "What do you think that means?"

I looked around, yeah these mortals looked pretty young! Still don't know what a "high schooler" is but whatever...

Green-haired guy: "Oh. Right, Didn't answer your question."

Green haired guy: "I can give you my name, it's rantaro amami."

I made another mental note of the green haired guy's name, still eyeing him suspiciously. Maybe he's the one who trapped us here, but I shouldn't make assumptions yet. It's so embarrassing to accuse someone innocent...

Guy with beard: "Why does it matter if there's 17 of us? There might be more coming anyways."

Rantaro amami: "Nah, I think this is all of us, if this is what I think it is anyways."

Calm, and he might also be correct.. But how does he know this for sure anyways? You're looking really strange! I would've ordered an investigation, but...
I'm not in tevyat anymore...

Girl with low-ponytails: "..It is what you think it is..?"

Girl with crazy blonde hair: "You some kinda fuckin' know it all? If you know somethin' spit it out!"

I scrunched up my nose, I should avoid that girl, is this how mortals act nowadays?! How vulgar!

Then an unknown voice echoed throughout the gymnasium, all of us were alerted. Except for that green haired guy, again, suspicious...

???: "Okaaayyyyyy!!! Everyone, quiet down! Shimmy down shimmy down!"
???: "No, no, no. It's simmer down!"
The two unknown voices made everyone else keep their guard up, me myself included.