"Who are you texting?"

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                                                                          Felicity P.O.V

My dad, Clint, and Natasha all stood up from the couch and walked over to me. 

"Where the hell have you been!?" My dad asked me. 

"I was at the mall-" I said, but Clint cut me off. 

"We tried calling you, but you didn't answer." He said, crossing his arms over his chest. 

"I forgot my phone here, I am sorry guys." I said. I looked down at my phone and realized they were right, I had twenty missed calls and ten unread messages. Opps. I felt my phone vibrate in my hand, I looked at it and saw it was Eric. I resisted the urge to roll my eyes thinking off all the stupid pick up lines he's been using on me. 

"It's fine, just when you leave, please make sure you take your phone." My dad said, running a hand through his hair and sighed. 

"I will dad, I am sorry guys."I said to them. They all nodded and accepted my apology. I walked to the island and opened my laptop. I proceeded to look up Eric Hawks to see what came up. His record is mostly clean, besides a DUI a couple years ago. I then remember I need to reply to him.

Eric 'terrible pick up lines' Hawks: Come one! That was a good one! I rolled my eyes at the message and smiled though.

Me: We aren't even in the same room! I don't even think we are close to each-other. I replied back to him. He replied back quickly.

Eric 'terrible pick up lines' Hawks: I mean you could tell me where you are , so I can meet you and we could open a window. I laughed softly.

Me: If I told, I would have to kill you, sorry! I replied back to him and smiled. I heard someone clear their throat behind me and I saw Natasha standing there, with her eye-brow raised and her arms crossed. 

"Yes." I said. 

"Who are you texting?" She asked. 

"Nobody." I said quickly. My phone vibrated again.

Eric 'terrible pick up lines' Hawk: You're kidding right? I mean I know you're a nerd, a pretty scary one at that, you could probably drain my bank account with your skill. He replied to me. I laughed a little, he doesn't know the half of it. 

"Felicity, who are you texting?" She said. 

"Let's go to my room, I need to change anyway." I said, closing my laptop. I stood up and followed Nat to the elevator. 

"Where you guys going?" Clint asked. 

"My room." I said, stepping in the elevator and pressing my floor. I walked out of the elevator and went to my room, I replied to Eric quickly.

Me: I could do worse than that, let's just say not to piss me off. I threw my phone on my bed and turned to face Natasha. 

"Let me change, than I'll explain." I said, she nodded and sat on my bed. I walked to my closet. I kicked off my pumps and took off my clothes. I put on a white spaghetti strap top and a pair of grey leggings. I put my hair in a bun and just left on the lip gloss I had on. I took off my contacts, and put back on my glasses. I walked out of my closet and sat next to Natasha on my bed. 

"So whose Eric?"She said, handing me my phone. I had a message. I opened it and no surprise it was from Eric.

Eric 'terrible pick up lines' Hawk: Good to know, I got to go Licity, bye. Is what is the message sent. I didn't bother to respond. I just put my phone down. 

"He's a guy I meet at the mall earlier." I said, looking down and smiling. 

"Why does he have such a long ass name in your phone though?" Natasha asked. 

"So, I was walking out of a story and bumped into him, and he caught me. We'll we bumped into each-other. So, he started to use these terrible pick up lines on me, thinking they would work. So, we had a competition on who used the better pick up lines. I won, but he said mine were worse. I mean, they were pretty amazing, they were computer ones. Like come on, how could you not love those. But so I gave him my number and he texted after I left I am guessing, and we talked until he had to go." I said, smiling a little. 

"You looked him up though, right?" She asked. 

"Of course I did! You know me Natasha." I said, shaking my head. 

"Just checking, you dated that creep a couple years ago without searching him." She said. I shuddered with that memory. I dated this guy for a week he was crazy. Called me every thirty minutes and always sent me things, always needed to know what I was doing. 

"Worst mistake ever." I said shaking my head. 

"Agreed." Natasha said, laughing alittle. I love my sister.

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