"Took you long enough, monkey boy" gasped Grovyle, reluctantly masking his gratefulness to see one of his best friends.
"Don't push it, lizard. But I'm happy to see you too...I'm really glad that you're okay."
"D'aww. Friends reunited at last. I bet you believe that you're stronger now thanks to the power of friendship or some sickeningly corny shit like that" snickered Carnivine, welcoming the intrusion as if she had a trick up her sleeve.
"Honestly, I'd be laughing too if we weren't on the same side. What are you two idiots doing? WE'RE IN THE FIELD! THIS IS A MISSION! THERE ARE NO DO-OVERS OR RESTARTS. THIS. ISNT. A. GAME" screamed a ticked off Toxicroak.
Dusting herself off in relieved disbelief, Zoroark looked upon Monferno and Grovyle with a smirk of comfort. She was proud to see her "trainees" come into their own earlier than she expected. "Calm down, Croak. We have the advantage again."
"...Hmm...so it would seem."
"'hMmM. sO iT wOuLd SeEm'. If we're talking about a numbers game, let me just tell you: this is a big sandsea. And as far this troop of mine: I'm not even the leader."
"Are you saying there's more of you" asked Froakie, finally shaking off his fearful petrification.
"That's exactly what she's saying" boomed a deeper, unfamiliar voice behind Froakie before swatting the little blue frog like a shuttlecock into the oasis's pound.
"It seems like you're new to this so let me give you some more advice kid: always survey your surroundings. Never turn your back to the enemy. Especially not me."
The muscle of the troop finally appeared before the Espeonage agents: Chesnaught.
"Get up, kid. Amphibious creatures don't even have bones" remarked the daunting, musclebound Pokemon.
"That... doesn't mean that shit didn't hurt," replied Froakie, spitting blood from his mouth until the pond.
"Stand down, Froakie. This is way more serious than a type disadvantage. Chesnaught can kill you" screamed Zoroark in shock.
"And will", said Chesnaught, marching forward towards the pond.
"I'm not afraid of him", declared Froakie as he stood up feigning bravery, but terrified of what would follow.
"FROAKIE, YOU NEED TO MOVE" yelled Zoroark.
"Well, you should be. There's no escape no-uh..."
Chestnaught froze mid-step and then began to tear at his head.
"I feel...dizzy."
Carnivine looked toward Chesnaught with detest and demanded "Well shake it off. We're not here to waste time. We do have orders to report back to Kingambit."
"Uh..uh-huh. You're right. Come here, you brat."
Froakie could only take one step back before freezing in fear again.
"Arceusdammit, kid. MOVE!"
Toxicroak broke into action and leaped to shield Froakie from Chesnaught's next attack."
"Honorable, but stupid. You both die here", scoffed Chesnaught preparing both a Mud Shot and a Wood Hammer respectively for Toxicroak and Froakie.
Off in the distance, Riolu whispered to Kirlia "Pssst. Do it again. Use Confusion on him."
"Do you think it'll work twice?"
"We just need to give the frogs a chance to hop out of the way. Or Toxicroak decides to use Poison Jab. Either way, hopefully, Monferno does something with that. And...then you wait here."
"Alright...wait what? Lulu, what do you mean?"
"Use Confusion and then wait here. I'm going to try and run some interference."
"Do you trust me?"
"With my life."
"Then use Confusion. I'm off."
"...fuck, Riolu. Why are like this?" Kirlia thought to herself while preparing Confusion.
Riolu slowly approached the battleground, careful not to be detected by the desert-dwelling mercenaries. Meanwhile, Chesnaught raised his arm, prepared to strike down with a Wood Hammer before feeling dizzy again.
"I...don't feel so good, Carnivine."
"Quick, kid! This is your chance! GO!!!" yelled Toxicroak while shoving Froakie out of the way.
"And as for you, suck on this. Poison Jab, bitch."
Riolu's guess was correct. He was more in sync with his newly founded team than he realized. Toxicroak only wanted to make sure Froakie was safe before using a potentially fatal move for everyone involved. Chesnaught's Wood Hammer clashed with Toxicroak's Poison Jab, the type advantage overpowering the green behemoth and leaving him envenomed.
"CHESNAUGHT YOU IDIOT!" squealed a vexed Carnivine.
Riolu rushed over to Froakie's side to assess the damage before signaling over Kirlia.
"Riolu, I swear one of these days, these half-cooked plans of yours are going to land you in some deep shit."
"Let's just focus on taking these guys down, Kirlia. Froakie, are you okay? Can you move?"
"I can move...thank you. Seriously. Trying to face four grass types alone in my state almost felt like a cruelly divine punishment. No pun intended."
The group of Carnivine, Maractus, Cacturne regrouped around the poisoned Chesnaught.
"Hold still, you dumbass. It's an Antidote", said Cacturne in a stern, yet concerned voice.
"Guys...I'm sorry. I messed up."
"You were only following orders, Chesnaught. Don't let them get to you", said Maractus, trying to soothe the green behemoth's spirits.
"YOU KIDS GOT LUCKY TODAY. WE'LL HAVE TO FINISH THIS NEXT TIME...BUT THERE WON'T BE ANOTHER NEXT TIME AFTER THAT" boasted a frustrated Carnivine. "Cacturne, we need some cover."
"You got it, boss."
Cacturne then took to the front and whipped up a vicious Sandstorm. The young Pokemon of Team Espeonage didn't bother to give chase; A silent, begrudging respect between both groups budded amid chaos in the middle of the desert.

Pokemon Syndicate
FanfictionRiolu, Froakie, Chimchar, and Treeko are young Pokemon swept into a world of conspiracy, covert military operations, government secrets, and a gritty, underground world of fast-paced action. Under the guidance of Espeon and her organization, Espeona...