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A/n: I'm gonna skip most of Hospital of the Dead since its a simple side scroller game where you just figure out a few puzzles. The next game to come up will be Infectious Mansion 2 made by the same developers of Hospital of the Dead (I think). 

After restoring power to the elevator and finding a journal that said there was an exit through an underground passage in the basement, Aoi and I went down the elevator and approached the jail cell door. Why there would even be one of these in a hospital was beyond me. 

Pulling out a jail cell key, I unlocked the door and pushed it open. However, the noise of the keys alerted the undead. Aoi and I turned our heads down the hall and we quickly saw the hordes of the undead begin to run towards us! Damnit! So was just the running and walking thing random?! 

Aoi: Move! Now! 

I jumped into the next room and Aoi followed behind me, shutting the door and locking it. 

Y/n: Cmon. We're close! 

With a small nod, we ran down the stony and dimly lit hallway, but we weren't alone here. Aside from the snarling of the undead from behind us, I heard something else that was locked in here with us. But I couldn't see it which made me feel a little concerned. 

Y/n: Aoi? I think we should take it slow here. 

Aoi: So I'm not the only one hearing it then. 

I nodded and we stopped running, walking slowly now. Whatever the noise was, it sounded large and slimy. Just how bad was this whole infection thing? I mean, first the dead are rising and tearing people apart and then they spread the virus through intimacy. What's next? Some kind of hentai monster with tentacles? 

Right when we were close to reaching the end of the hallway, a giant green monster fell from the ceiling, crashing down in front of us. It was grotesque! It had one single bloodshot eye, its body was just some kind of green booger-like mess and tentacles of a kind flailed around it. It also had a giant mouth filled with bloodied razor sharp teeth. 

Aoi: Ready? 

I pulled out my gun and aimed it at the creature. 

Y/n: I fucking hope so... Fighting the other zombies was one thing, this freak's on a different level. 

The creature howled in rage as it wormed its way towards us. Aoi had stocked up on scalpels and threw them at the monster like throwing knives. But for as sharp as they were, they didn't seem to do much against this beast. I fired my gun at the one eyed monster, shooting parts of its body off. After the fourth shot, I fired at its eye, blinding it for a moment. A horrible shriek left its mouth. 

To my surprise, Aoi rushed towards the monster and using two scalpels in her hands, she tore into the monster's eye and began to tear it open! My eyes widened at the girl's brutality. Blood splattered all over her and the ground as she tore open the eye. Even after tearing open its head, Aoi didn't stop and continously stabbed and jabbed at the creature, shedding more and more blood. Seriously, what the hell did she go through to become like this?! 

I noticed one of the tentacles trying to grab her, but I quickly shot it, leaving me with only two bullets. I didn't find anymore while searching the hospital which was troubling. 

Aoi let out a scream of rage as she tore out a good chunk of the creature's brain. Upon doing so, the freak let out a howl of agony and flailed around like a worm for a good minute before falling over, dying. Aoi took heavy breaths as she dropped the chunk of brain. I placed a hand on her shoulder. 

Y/n: You okay? 

Aoi: I'm fine. Thanks for the assist. 

Y/n: Any chance you want to explain why you just rushed in like that? 

Aoi: It was a lot tougher than the others so we needed to be more ruthless. And I'm not afraid to get my hands dirty. 

Y/n: I guess... But that was reckless. What if you got killed? 

Aoi: Well I'm lucky that you're here then to help me out. 

She said with a small red tint on her cheeks. I sighed and nodded. 

Y/n: Well, let's hope that we can find some water to clean you off. 

Aoi: Right... 

She muttered under her breath as she looked at her bloodied body. I hoped the undead wouldn't be too drawn to her now. Walking around the giant corpse, we left through the exit door and made our way up some stairs. However, as soon we reached the top, we were met with a disturbing sight. 

Y/n: Shit... 

The entire city was overrun. Cars were scattered everywhere all torn apart and the only thing that was left in the city were hordes of stumbling and groaning freaks. What was even stranger was that they ranged from being the standard zombies we saw in the hospital and some of them were just completely coated in red pores. 

Aoi: Looks like we're not done yet. 

Looking over at a signboard that was on my right, I saw a message in black scribbled onto it. 

"The Naigou mansion. SAFETY THERE!"

Y/n: Hey, Aoi? Have you heard of the Naigou mansion? 

Aoi: Sort of. It's supposed to some kind of medical research facility. 

She came up next to me, seeing the message too. 

Aoi: That's where we're headed? 

Y/n: Not unless you have any other plans. 

Aoi: No. Let's go. 

Y/n: Alright then. But I think we should head to a police station or a gun store. We'll stand a better chance of survival if we're better equipped. 

Aoi: ...Fine. But its just a quick trip. No detours and no stopping. Got it? 

Y/n: As you wish. 

We began to sneak our way through the city, heading to the closest police station or gun store. 

But my mind still lingered on that giant monster that Aoi had torn to pieces. It looked similar to these red pore ones outside which made me wonder just how many stages of infection there were. 

By going to the mansion, I'd find that answer soon enough...

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