Chapter 1

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Kara's POV

(EARTH 38)

*National City*

I was sitting on my couch while watching "The Wizard Of Oz" , my favorite movie. To be honest it's probably my favorite movie because it's about a girl who was taken away from her home and doesn't feel as though she doesn't belong JUST LIKE ME!!!

While I was watching "The Wizard Of Oz" I couldn't help but to think of The Red Scarlet Speedster/The Flash/Barry Allen. Whenever I'm feeling down all I have to do is think about his cute goofy smile and I could get lost in those dark brown eyes of his. I wish there was a way for me to travel to his earth so I could see him again. Then it hit me, what if I could do the same thing he did. Go fast enough to create a breach and open up a portal to his world, then I could see him whenever I want to.

I then turned off the movie and zoomed out of my apartment and headed to Catco and grabbed Winn in a few seconds and was back in my apartment. As we landed all of his screams came to a stop as he frantically sat down on my couch breathing very heavily, I asked him if he was okay he then told me "Y-y-y-yeah let me c-catch my b-breath real quick" soon after he finally calmed down as did his overwhelmed beating heart did.

He then asked me after catching his breath "Kara is everything okay? Why did you take me from Catco?" I responded with "Winn I need your help" while holding my hands on my hips. He then said "O-okay, what do you need help with?" I then told him in the most serious tone I have ever had "I need help opening up a breach to Earth 1!!!" Right after I said that Winn had a look that could only be described as pure horror and shock. He then bursted out "W-W-WHAT!!!! HOW ARE WE EVEN GOING TO BE ABLE TO GO THAT FAST!!! DO YOU EVEN HAVE A PLAN FOR THAT?? WHAT IF YOU GET SERIOUSLY INJURED TRYING TO ATTEMPT THIS?? WHAT WOULD I DO THEN??!!! ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND??!!! WHAT WOULD ALEX THINK??!!!?" I then took a deep breath and told him "Calm down, everything will be okay. With your help we could find a way to travel through dimensions. If I get stuck on Earth 1 then Barry could always bring me back the same way he got here and back to his earth" Winn took a minute before calming down then asked "Why do you even want to go to Earth 1 anyways?" I then simply said "I miss Barry, I want to see him again" as soon as those words left my mouth Winn's jaw dropped to the ground so fast causing him to collapse into the ground himself, after a few minutes he regained his composure and asked me "What's the plan?" I then happily hugged him as tightly as I could without hurting him too badly then proceeded to continuously say "THANK YOU!!!!!" over and over again until he said while breathing for air "It's no problem, now please let me down" I then said sorry to him and put him down. I then proceeded to tell him the plan that I had in mind, he then told me ways we could adjust the plan for a more likely probability of success.

~Time skip~


Clark's POV

As I was coming back to the "Daily Planet" I received a text from my dear cousin Kara Zor-El/Kara Danvers/Supergirl asking me if I could help her with some mystery project she's working on in National City. I wonder what it is that she needs help with since she never asks for my help with an issue that's going on in her city. I texted her a response of "Sure, what's the mystery project?"

Within a couple of seconds she sent a reply saying "Thank you, I'll tell you when you get here. Also Winn is also helping me with this project." I then just sent a smiley face emoji and a thumbs up emoji back to her. I then went to Perry White's office to tell him that I have some business in National City. He then said to make sure I get it all done and not to take too long in "That damned City of PJ Grant" I then responded with "Yes sir, thank you!"

Then I left to go to mine and Lois's apartment to gather some stuff to take with me to National City and told Lois about Kara's mysterious project that she needed me to help her with. She then just gave me a kiss and told me "Be careful and come back to me safely and to tell Kara that I said hello" I said I will then give her a kiss and zoomed away to National City.

*National City*

As soon as I arrived in National City I headed straight to Kara's loft. There she was pacing back and forth at superspeed while burning her rug. As soon as I flew in her window she noticed me immediately and rushed over and gave me a big hug. I hugged her back immediately and asked her "Alright so what is this mystery project, and where is Winn?" As soon as I said Winn's name he rushed out asking "Did someone say my name?-" I then jokingly said "Are you sure he's not secretly a Kryptonian?"

Winn's eyes widened so gigantic he then nervously said "U-um hello, my name is Winn. We met before, I'm not sure if you remember or not" I then gave him a light hug and said "Yeah I remember, it's nice to see you again Winn" Winn then just had one of the biggest smiles on his face that I had ever seen. I then asked Kara what this big project was about, she then said in an dead serious tone "We're going to create a breach to travel to Earth 1" My eyes widened as big as the smile Winn had on his face previously, then Kara said "Yep the same reaction Winn had" I was trying to form words but none came out. That's when Kara took a deep breath then explained the Multiverse to me then told me her plan to travel to "Earth 1"

I was still dumbfounded as she and Winn explained everything to me except for the reason why she wants to do this in the first place. I won't question her, after all if she is going to go through such great lengths for this to succeed then her reasons must be as pure and noble as she is, that's my cousin for you the noblest and purest of Krypton(If only he knew [;)]).


*Central City*

Barry's POV

As I was about to head back to STAR Labs I suddenly hear Cisco's panicked screams on the comms, he sounded extremely panicked as he yelled "BARRY HURRY UP AND GET BACK HERE, THERE'S AN EMERGENCY!!!!" A second after that I rushed into STAR Labs where Cisco was, as I rushed in Cisco jumped up in shock. He then panickedly said "Jeez man! Don't scare me like that" I then asked "What's the big emergency??!!?" Cisco then exclaimed "There's a breach opening up!!!" As those words left his mouth and I saw who it was coming through my eyes lit up with lightning and excitement as I sped towards the breach with a massive grin on my face.

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