Chapter 2

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*Central City*

Barry's pov

As I saw her beautiful face as she entered through the breach I used my lightning speed to run up to her and kiss her. She was shocked at first but to my surprise she kissed me back and soon enough our tongues became entangled with each other. After what feels like minutes of making out with her I start to trail my kisses down from her mouth to her neck, which was soon followed by soft moans coming from her. She then grabbed my head by my chin then proceeded to kiss me and let my tongue slip inside her mouth once again. As we continued we both started to let out some soft moans. She soon started to unzip my suit and then started to kiss my neck then moved down to in between my shoulderblades. Then I started to pull her shirt off of her then grabbed her by her waist then pulled her closer to me, then i sped her and myself along with our clothes into my apartment. Then we finished stripping our clothes off of each other then we started to get a little more frisque.

Cisco's pov

As the breach opened up I then looked up at Barry to see his eyes filled with lightning and excitement and what looked like love and joy? So that raises the question even more of who could possibly be coming through that breach. Then I felt a mighty woosh as I saw him use his lightning speed to the breach then out of STAR Labs, I then yelled "WHAT JUST HAPPENED??!!?" Honestly a very valid question if I do say so myself, I mean i just did!

Then Caitlin just shrugged her shoulders with her hands in mid air at her shoulders, Harry then just some annoying stuff then walked out which I just rolled my eyes to. I then yelled/asked "WHERE DID BARRY GO???!?!!?"

Caitlin got onto the computers and minutes later she said "Barry is at his apartment, he turned off the comms" I then asked "Why did he go to his apartment and turn off comms?" Caitlin thought for a minute before her face lit up with a hint of terror, then she said "Um... Well he could be busy" I was so confused so i asked "Busy with what???" Caitlin then said "Well less of being busy with something and more with getting busy" I was even more confused now so i asked again "Busy with what??!!?" Caitlin seeming to be getting frustrated now, just yelled "THEY'RE PROBABLY HAVING SEX!!!!!"

Me and Iris were both shocked at first then we actually start to realize what is going on then we both look at eachother. Then I tell her "Um... I'm sorry Iris, um maybe they're not actually doing... that..." she then closed her eyes for a moment while shaking her head while saying "No, it's okay Cisco. I lost my chance, he deserves to be happy with whoever he wants to be with" she then left with a defeated look on her face, then me and caitlin looked at each other.

(EARTH 38)

[Moments before the breach was opened to EARTH 1]

*National City*

Kara's pov

As we were about to open the breach to Earth 1 I took a deep breath in for a couple of seconds then let it out, Winn then asked "Are you sure you want to do this?" I then gave a reassuring nod to him. We then opened up the breach, i gave him and Cal-El a hug and then walked into the breach where I was met with a speeding Flash. Which I knew much too well to know that that was Barry Allen.

Cal-El's pov

After a couple of seconds of Kara walking into the breach it closes, I just hope that she'll be okay. Winn then said "I know the feeling of worrying about if she'll be okay, I was worried about this project when she told me what she wanted to do" I then asked him "Does it ever get easier?" he then rescinded with "Never, I wish it did but it doesn't" I then asked him "Is there any kryptonite on Earth 1?" He then looked at me then nervously said "I'm not sure, none of us has ever been to Earth 1" As soon as those words left his mouth a billion different thoughts ran through my mind which soon all came to a halt as soon as Alex came in. she then looked up at the both of us with a shocked face, she then asked "What's going on? Where's Kara??" Me and Winn then looked at each other nervously before looking back at Alex who now was looking more panicked before asking again but with severe panic in her voice "Where's Kara!!!????!"

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