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Have a pleasant day

When someone loves you in your worst times, they deserve to get your love in your best times
- Akhila

Two days later

Writer pov
Vikram moved to London & changed his face, his complete identity. Now his name is Advik , he was waiting to meet kushi. Another side vishwa purchased many properties in London as they were coming , no changes from kushi. That seven members are waiting when kushi will wake up. They can't control their happiness, they felt they got treasure. Police are closed vikram file because they can't find him if vishwa came to know police know they can't escape from vishwa. So they didn't tell truth that vikram runned away. Advik wanted to solve everything & enjoy his life with kushi. Advik was busy in planning to make her fall for him. Advik purchased house & made everything in kushi 's liking. He started to change himself for his kushi liking. In VJ mansion kushi 's hands started to show movements, maid noticed this & gone to inform everyone

In VJ mansion

Kushi opened her eyes 👀👀 & started to check the surrounding, it is new place & she don't know where she is

That members came to her room, all r standing with tears

Janvi hugged her .Kushi can't understand what is happening around her  , viswa noticed her confusion face and pulled janvi from her

Vishwa : " hello kushi I am ur father viswa and this is ur mother ( pointed janvi )  . I know u r confused but trust me we r ur family "

Kushi : " How can I trust that u r my family " First I don't know who they r when they all r my family. I am happy at least I got which I yearned for years but still some fear is stopping me. I don't want to get hurt.

Viswa gone out

Kushi & janvi noticed this. Janvi turned towards kushi & holded holded her jaw

Janvi :"  kushi I am ur mother I don't know how to prove this but believe me u r my daughter. Sorry for leaving u alone in this cruel world please forgive me " Janvi tried to touch her feet

Kushi stopped her by holding her arms

Kushi : " Please don't do like that " For the first time in my life someone is crying for me . I am so happy I don't know whether I am daughter or not but what will happen if her own daughter came. I know I am Overthinking but what to do life made me to feel like this. Let's go with flow

Vishwa entered with some papers and handed over to kushi. First kushi can't understand but later she started to read that, it is DNA test . Kushi started to cry she got her family from childhood she was waiting for that moment. Vishwa hugged her soon janvi also joined it is perfect family, kajal took pic of them. Soon other members came there. Janvi kissed her forehead it tells how janvi missed her daughter

Janvi : " Kushi meet ur family members da before that call me amma , I am longing to hear this words for many years "

Kushi also longed to call amma, finally she got chance

Kushi : " Amma " She called with her smooth voice

Janvi became so happy & tears are started to come. Her ears want to her daughter voice again & again

Janvi : "one more time kushi "

Kushi : " Amma "

Janvi understand the meaning & value of amma when she can't find her own daughter in this world. She felt died she can't save her daughter. This many years she lived only for daughter even in this second she is ready to live this world cause she got what she yearned for years. But she wants to give all love to kushi, janvi know how much kushi gone though in her life. She became broken after hearing vikram 's parents words on her daughter. Actually kushi family likes vikram but when they come to know about vikram 's action towards their daughter. They wanted to kill him because he hurted their daughter.

Kajal : " Hey kushi I am ur elder sister I born 30 mins before u , u can call me akka . U know from childhood I am waiting to meet " Kajal eyes 👀👀 shows love which she never seen from other's eyes. More than her mouth her eyes tells how much she love her

Kushi : " 30 mins "

Kajal : " I born before so I am ur akka "

Kushi laughed at her childishness . This first time in kushi 's life she is giving true smile

Kajal : "  let me intro of our family members "

Kajal pointed karthi

Kajal : " He is karthi , elder brother of ur father. He is father for both of us, u call him peripa or appa "

Karthi : " Hi kushi I will love if u call me appa "

Kushi was so happy she got beautiful family

Kushi : " Hi pa "

Kushi don't know how to start conversation as she was shocked to see all things. She felt if it is dream, she don't want to wake up

Kajal pointed laya

Kajal : " this is ur perima & amma & her name is laya"

Laya hugged kushi

Laya : " Hi kushi ma I am ur amma "

Kajal : " and next most important person of this house is Adithiya thatha & Amaya patti "

Adi thatha & Amaya patti hugged & kissed her cheeks

Kajal : " Kushi don't forgot I am ur beautiful akka "

Laya : " Beautiful 😂😂"

Kajal : " So u r telling I am not beautiful? " Glaring laya

All started to laugh

Kajal :"  nee sollu I am looking beautiful right "

Kushi : " S u r "

Kajal jumped in happiness

All maids noticed this mansion having laughing sound after 21 years. They prayed to God nothing should happen to this family

How is chapter??

I hope u love the chapter

In next chapter we can see what happened in advik side & what is his plan to make kushi fall for him

Will advik able to control his emotions before kushi

Ur opinion about kushi family

Will kushi love advik

Your opinion about kajal

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