The first meeting

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Brighton High School, a place where a supernatural myth was said to live. Angelo, that's me, lived in Michigan for 10 years now. I was actually born in Italy in the Dolomites. My parents and I left Italy when I was 5 to live in Michigan, where my dad works. Honestly, I don't know what led me to seek supernatural myths and legends. Probably the first time I got interested in the supernatural would be the Singing Sands. It was, let's just say, an interesting legend that I managed to experience.

That's why I always believe in the supernatural. Added to the fact that arcanists exist, it wouldn't be much of a surprise if ghosts and some supernatural beings are real. I'm hoping the Wendigo isn't real.

"This is the multimedia classroom?" I said to no one. Once I settled on a nearby chair, I checked the clock. It was already 10:30 pm, late at night. It was dark outside, and I had to bring my flashlight just to get here. Probably trespassing in the school. I may be from college, but I still know some decency. I closed the door of the classroom for a bit of politeness. I wouldn't want to bother the janitor.

Suddenly, one of the monitors turned on. "Hey, who are you?" The voice from the monitor said. This was probably the supernatural myth everyone was talking about. I excitedly went to where the activated monitor was. "My name is Angelo! What's yours?" I said with curiosity in my eyes. Upon closer inspection, a woman was inside it. "Just call me TTT," the girl inside the monitor said.

"Alright, Ms. TTT, I wanna ask a few questions," I replied. I readied my pen and paper to write down notes. "I can tell you some secrets," TTT said before doing a 'shh' hand gesture on the monitor. "I would love to hear them!" I said enthusiastically.

Seconds turned into minutes, and minutes turned into hours. Once our discussion was done, I looked at the clock. It was already 3:00 am in the morning. "That's my cue to leave. It's been nice knowing you, TTT," I said, looking at the still turned-on monitor where TTT is. "Leaving already?" She said before tilting her head a bit. "Yeah, I have to go. I probably would be nagged again by my parents," I said before mumbling to myself, "even though I'm already in college."

I looked over to TTT again. She was planning something, I guess. I could see it in her eyes. "I know! Do you have a camcorder with you?" She asked, and I brought up the camcorder in my bag. "Here-" Before I could finish, I looked over the camcorder again. TTT was there. "Hello!" She waved, and I jumped a bit. I was surprised nonetheless. "So why are you inside the camcorder now?" I asked. She replied, "Because I want to have some company and maybe see some of the things I haven't seen since I only hop from monitor to TV and monitors, not radio waves, sadly." She sulked before giving me a smile.

In return, I gave her a smile as well. "Alright then, feel free to keep me company. It's lonely going hunting for supernaturals alone," I said before keeping the camcorder in my bag and leaving Brighton High School.

I'm now walking back home before TTT said something. "Is it strange I can't see any information about you on the net, Angelo?" she asked. I replied but a bit sluggishly due to tiredness, "Probably because I don't surf that much. I mostly ask people about supernatural occurrences in person."

"That's a good argument," she said before staying a bit quiet and opening another topic. "Hey, I know it's rude to ask, but do you have a girlfriend perhaps?" She tilted her head. Even though she was in the camcorder, I widened my eyes a bit before replying, "N-no... sadly I'm still single." I said before staring at the ground. "Hey! Cheer up, I'm here, you know! You won't be that much of a loner now!" TTT said, attempting to cheer me up a little.

"Thanks," I replied with a smile as I looked at her on the camcorder. "I'm so tired...." I stretched my arms a bit to lessen my sluggishness. After that, TTT remained silent, just observing the surroundings as far as she could inside the camcorder.

"And we are here!" I said, putting my hands on my waist. "Back home." I looked over the camcorder, and TTT, I could already see her curiosity in her eyes. I opened the door of my house before going in and silently passed my sleeping father on the couch. Looks like he fell asleep watching a TV show. I opened the door to my room and got my camcorder where TTT is.

Before she jumps to my computer in my room, "Nice computer you have here!" She said before I placed my bag and camcorder in the nearby wardrobe. "Not that much, to be honest," I replied to her before dramatically collapsing in bed. My eyes were heavy now. *Yawn* "Good night," I said to her before she replied a little later the moment I fell asleep. "Sleep tight, Angelo," she said.

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