Chapter 42

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The carriage came to a halt in front of the grand house, from which she had been estranged for many years. 

The imposing door bore the inscription "Prince Yu's Mansion" in a large seal script.

After returning to the capital at the age of sixteen, Jennie encountered numerous trials and tribulations in the thirteen years that followed.

Now that she was back here, she felt as though she had traveled through time.

A good-looking young man dressed in armor and a red robe paced nervously back and forth by the gate.

At the sight of the carriage that had journeyed a great distance, he finally eased up and broke into a smile.

"Jen Jen!" he exclaimed.

The man who had been stationed in the military camp for years called out Jennie's childhood nickname, ignoring formalities as he opened the carriage door and extended his hand to assist her.

However, he was taken aback by the small tiger that tumbled out of the carriage.

"Elder brother," Jennie lifted her dress and silently accepted Jax's hand, taking slow, dragging steps as she disembarked from the carriage.

"The journey must have been exhausting for you, Jen Jen," Jax observed his younger sister, who now appeared weak and hobbled, with half of her hair already turned white.

She was as frail as a willow branch and seemed like she could be toppled over by a mere gust of wind. 

Upon seeing her, he felt not only surprised but also an overwhelming heartache that he could not contain.

Jennie maintained a calm and impassive demeanor as she entered the mansion with the man, while the little tiger trailed behind, trotting along and curiously sniffing at everything in the unfamiliar surroundings.

After traversing a vast garden and a fish pond, the surroundings became unfamiliar to the woman.

As they approached the main hall, Jennie signaled to the little tiger to remain outside and play before she entered with her older brother.

Seated at the head of the hall was Prince Yu, draped in a red python robe and sporting an exceedingly long beard.

Despite his advanced age, he remained vigorous due to his long-standing martial arts practice, and his complexion was still ruddy.

Although the princess consort of Prince Yu had passed away, the seat next to him was not vacant.

A woman adorned in exquisite attire sat upright, exhibiting the posture of a lawful wife. Beside her sat a slightly older young man in a blue shirt, who appeared thin and frail, making it difficult to discern that he was born into a martial arts family.

Jennie approached Prince Yu slowly, disregarding the presence of her stepmother and stepbrother beside him, and courteously bowed to her father.

"Thank you for your hard work during the journey, Jennie," Prince Yu addressed his daughter, who had undergone a significant transformation in appearance due to their extended separation.

He then paused and inquired, "Is everything well in the capital?"

"The Crown Prince staged a rebellion, and the Emperor passed away. I presume Father has already received the news," Jennie replied, showing no interest in engaging in idle chatter.

She retrieved a cloth bag from her sleeve and presented the edict and the tiger charm to Jax, who stood by her side.

"Before his demise, the late Emperor issued a decree that the throne should be passed on to the Eleventh Prince and entrusted this daughter with the responsibility of informing Father. Please aid the Eleventh Prince in ascending to the throne, Father."

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