Where it started

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Few months back after Taeyong and Jaemin's conversation at the rooftop ||

It was a Saturday morning and Jaemin just finished fixing himself up. Wearing a plain white tshirt, tucked in a dark denim pants, paired with white sneakers, with his hair styled in a comma  showing a bit of his forehead. A black watch on his left wrist and a black tied bracelet on the other - a handmade gift from Iris last Christmas a few years back. Satisfied with his looks, he then picked a jo malone perfume which he and Iris really loved before spraying some on both his wrist, the pulse underneath his ears, and lastly on his neck.

The boy cheerfully went down the stairs, excited to see his girlfriend as he was not able to visit yesterday evening (Friday night) due to their mission.

"Jaem!" a boy came running down the stairs, following Jaemin as he tried to catch up with him.

"Oh, hey, going out as well?" Jaemin asked as he took notice of the boys appearance, who, usually loved staying home during weekends.

The boy awkwardly scratched the back of his nape, one hand on his jean pocket.

"Uhm, I was just wondering if I could go with you at the orphanage?"

Jaemin was somehow shocked by the boy's request. Not only it was unusual for him to ask him to, but knowing him, he'd rather stay on his bed and take a nap or hit the gym. But nevertheless, Jaemin was happy that the boy is finally having an interest in going out.

"Really? at the orphanage?" Jaemin was amused yet confused at the same time.

"Yeah, why not. It kinda gets boring whenever Jisung and Chenle are not around during weekends, so might as well play with the kids and help out?" He answered with pleading eyes, hoping Jaemin would say yes.

With one brows raised, Jaemin only scoffed and smiled at him.

"Alright. But I must warn you, those kids are triple Jisung and Chenle's bickering"


And boy Jaemin was right, because now, here he is, in all fours at the orphanage's living room as three kids happily riding on his back. He immediately said yes when the kids asked him to play "vroom-vroom" , but what he did not expect was wherein he will be the car.

Jaemin was suppressing his laugh at his friend, he'd never seen him at this state before, he was glad that he asked him if he could tag along, because finally, Jaemin could at least see a bit of freedom in his eyes.

Jaemin casually stood up from where he was reading a book to the other kids, putting the reading material down.

"Hey, I'm just gonna go to the bathroom real quick. Just take a look after the kids for me alone in a bit." He said, asking permission to the one who's now visibly tired from being held captive as the kids new playmate.

"Alright, just come back fast. Please."

Jaemin once again suppressed his laugh seeing him pleading.

Just after minutes Jaemin was gone, the front door opened, revealing a petite middi height girl, her long black hair softly flowing at her back, her slender fingers gripping her white cane which served as her support, her sweet fruity scent immediately surrounding her environment, a sweet smile plastered on her lips. She was like a goddess...an angel.

Sure he'd heard about her from Jaemin, the way his friend boasts about how pretty she looks and how angelic her face is, of course he'd seen her on pictures, but seeing her in person like this only proved his friend's remarks. She really is beautiful.

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