In every universe, every life, I'll still choose to be your brother.

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As Jeno and Taeyong were patiently and anxiously waiting for any updates regarding the girl, Jeno cannot help but to think back of the events last night. How him and his best friend was caught in a fine line of life and death...I shouldn't have listened to him...


I shouldn't have left...


I shouldn't ha-


Taeyong snapped his fingers near the boys ear, making him come back to reality. Jeno immediately saw the look on Taeyong's face, he knew he could see right through him, so there's really no point in hiding what's his feeling.

"Look, I know it's hard for you. And it is for each of us too...But we have to do what he said, what we promised. We have to stay strong, not just for him but for Iris...In time, everything will get better, Jeno. Trust me. Trust Jaemin."

"I know, hyung."

"Alright, just wait up here, I'll just have to make a phone call. Call me if anything comes up."

Taeyong stood up and excused himself for a while. Grabbing his phone before checking the time. He should've landed by now. Continuing what he's doing, he went and dialed someone's number, and three rings was all it took for the person to answer.

"I'm here." he said.

Taeyong raised his brows in confusion, looking at the crowd within the floor as if looking for someone. "Wait. like. here here?"

"Yes, hyung. Here here. Look to your left." The other person replied as he stood tall near the elevator, looking at his elder who looked funny searching for him. And when Taeyong followed his instruction, he cannot help but to smile. It's been so long Hyung. He thought.

5 years since they've seen each other. 5 years since everything seemed to went out the drain. 5 years since he left. Making his way towards the red headed male, whose smile cannot seemed to be wiped from his face.

"You're finally home." Taeyong stood in front of him.

"Hyung." he replied, initiating a bro hug. But unlike the last time, this one doesn't feel as heavy and sorrowful. They both feel happy...genuinely happy.

On the side, Jeno wasn't expecting him to arrive this early. Of course he knew his hyung would eventually come home. He stood up and greeted the elder.

"Hyung, it's nice to see you again."

The elder took notice of his presence, he was shocked when he saw the used-to-be-little-Jeno he constantly teases with Jaemin, Haechan, and Jungwoo. Why does it look like his face was straight out of a baby's head and placed in a muscular man's body? He thought with raised brows. He cannot help but to smile widely, hugging to boy as well.

"I can't believe how much you've grown, Jen. I almost forgot you're almost the same age as Iris."

And as the name of girl slipped out from his mouth, Dr. Soo went out of the operating room, alerting the three. "Gentlemen." He spoke, suddenly meeting the eyes of the new comer. His face showed it all. He was happy for the newly arrived boy. "It's good to finally see you back." That was all he could said. Changing the topic, he told everyone that the operation was successful, and that in any minutes now, Iris will be transferred to a regular room.

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"Oh, Iris! I thought you'll never make it."

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