something more.

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A flustered Satorus seering hot lips met yours in a needy kiss, his knee instantly finding its place between your legs.

Feeling at a loss for air you tapped his shoulders signaling him to get off and soon maybe a bit later than your last tap did he move his head back. You both took a deep breath of air from the intensity of the kiss.

Your hands sat gently on the Albinos shoulders an your eyes drifted to his face- Shining glossy lips and pink cheeks, his hair messy from what just transpired No wonder he was a popular model You thought staring back into those pretty blue eyes of his.

Little did you know while you were thinking that Gojos mind was racing with thoughts, yet there was one that was very clear in his mind.

She's so beautiful

His eyes ran of every little detail of your face trying to memorize it all like it was the first time he has with a racing heart and a small smile forming on his lips in the realization that he had just kissed you..he kissed you!

"Y/n..." Satoru uttered his breath ghosting your lips but before another word could fall from his lips you placed a finger along them "Satoru." You spoke. "I want you. Be a good boy for me." He felt taken back from the words, a women has never called him that "Good boy?" He questioned his cheeks warming even more in a rosey shade.

You took a deep breath trying to calm yourself feeling him rub his knee along your panties "Oh!- uhm Yes be my good boy and take me Satoru" You cleared your throat with a commanding voice moving your hand up the back of his neck grabbing some his hair.

Your mind a bit dazed from the wine and your heart heavy, you knew what was happening and you knew there was probably going to be consequences and your relationship with him was going to change. But you didn't care in the moment, all that was on your mind was how sweet his lips tasted against yours and how attractive he looked above you.

Gojo pretty dazed himself nodded giddly almost "Okay" he whispered almost too eager to please you as he fumbled with the zipper on his pants pulling them down along with his boxers showing off his length; you felt butterflies at the sight of pre-cum dripping down.

"May I?" He asked his fingers already moving to the button on your skirt wanting it off already. Chuckling you nodded 𝖧𝗈𝗐 𝖼𝗎𝗍𝖾 quickly his fingers made work; undoing the button on your skirt and pulling your panties down. The cool air making you shiver not to mention the feeling of his hands softly rubbing your thighs spreading them open to reveal your most sensitive part.

Gojo twitched at the sight, so wet and ready for him.."Fuck.." He uttered without thinking he slowly ran a finger along your clit making you want to close your legs "Satoru" You chided in want "I know princess, I know" He hummed grabbing your thighs in each hand he leaned down licking along you enjoy your taste.

You moaned at the feeling, fingers gripping his white locks tighter making him groan "More" You demanded and so he continued eating you out like you were his last meal and he couldn't get enough. Your thighs started trembling and your stomach tighten "Good mm s'good, such a good boy" You praised earning a hum in response sending you over the edge.

Releasing into his mouth Gojo got as much as he could before licking you one last time after before pulling away, a grin on his lips. Tilting his head he looked down at you "Ready?" He asked grabbing his cock stroking the length a few times. Gulping you looked at him and then down taking small deep breaths to calm yourself.

Reaching between you both you grabbed his length, squeezing it a bit made Satoru let out a breathy moan "Please.." He pleaded feeling needy like never before, his cheeks on fire. "Whatever you want pretty boy" you said lining him up with you. Gojo held one of your hips before slowly pushing in. The feeling made you moan loudly and your fingers dig into his back making tiny crescent shapes.

"Satoru ah!" Moaning out at the feeling him push one last time, feeling his full size deep in you "Y/n.. you feel so good" He groaned moving his hips slowly, enjoying every little feeling you gave. Moving his hands along the back of your thighs he pulled you up closer pushing in as deep as he could making you moan out, your body moving with his thrusts "Does this feel good? Am I a good boy Y/n?" He asked out in a groan.

Nodding rapidly too consumed by pleasure you chanted his name like a mantra, feeling butterflies in your stomach. Feeling you clenched around him tighter, Gojo sped up his thrusts and before he knew it you were releasing on him "Damn.." He cursed pulling out and finishing on your thighs; a sigh of relief leaving his lips.

Falling gently on top of you, you both laid in silence. Trying to calm your breathing and racing heart your mind started to race too and for a moment you felt yourself freaking out but only for a moment because then you felt a soft kiss on your shoulder "I know. Let's just enjoy this." He spoke muffled into your skin.

Satoru knew this would probably never happen again somewhere in his half drunken mind and he knew you would probably be avoiding him like the plague for awhile. But in the very moment he just wanted to enjoy it, enjoy the feeling of you beneath him and the feeling of your soft skin on his. Now that this has happened he was gonna do it right.

Lifting his body from your hesitantly Satoru flashed you a shy smile "Lets get you cleaned up, I'll get some of your [Favorite drink] made"

I finally updateddd

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27 ⏰

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