Part 3

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"Oh Shit" Eddie spat out, bushing the colour of the tomato. "Thanks for the help Hen!" He called as he trudged himself to the locker room with the jacket slung over his shoulder, the letters BUCK just in view, to hang it up, his flushed cheeks slowly returning back to skin colour. A Whistle was heard just behind him as he flung Bucks Turnout on the hook. 

Eddie Sheepishly turned around, to come face to face with one Evan Buckley. "BUCK! Listen, i can explain!" Eddie huffed out in one whole breath. "Hush Pretty Boy", Buck replied, "Y'know i almost didn't believe Chim when he sent me this photo i was doing bench presses, waiting for B-Shift to arrive" Buck held up his phone to show Eddie the photo that was taken a few moments earlier, of Eddie trying to stare down at the bottom of the jacket, looking like a puppy trying to find his tail. Eddie became a blubbering mess. "Shall we take this to my car Eds?" Buck whispered, trying to calm Eddie just nodded, not trusting his voice. Buck quietly lead Eddie out to the jeep, narrowly missing the rest of the team leaving to go back to their families. 

"You with me Eds?" Buck called as he placed Eddie on the hood of the Jeep, gently placing his palm on Eddies shoulder. "I thought you weren't back till tomorrow's shift?" Eddie finally found his voice, "Well, I wanted to see you and the team, i put in to work B-Shift as I agreed to a 72 hour shift, it starts soon Eds, but I'll be with you on shift tomorrow morning okay?" Eddie just nodded at Evan's explanation. 

"I've missed you y'know, that turnout mishap was an accident, Christopher hasn't been sleeping through the night recently, he's started getting flashbacks from the tsunami Buck , it's bad." Eddie huffed as he lent forward's into the crook between buck's neck and shoulder blade, secretly inhaling that strong cologne he wished to have beside him forever"

The Shriek of the bell rung "Shit, gotta go Eds!" Buck gave Eddie a swift, gentle peck on the lips before bounding towards the locker room to grab turnouts, "Y'know you can wear my turnouts anytime babe!" With that, Buck was off to the first scene of the day with B-Shift. "Stay Safe!!" Eddie yelled back.

Eddie shook his head as he pushed himself away from the hood of Buck's Jeep, slightly dazed, he ran his finger along his lips, feeling the light tingles from the peck he received before walking into the locker room to grab his civvy's and bag before going home to Chris. "My God Buckley" Eddie whispered as he looked at the hooks to find "BUCKLEY" on the bottom of the turnouts on his hook, "You sneaky little... You're going to be the death of me" He shook his head with a smile creeping upon that rosy red face, as he held himself up and trudged to the car to go relieve Carla of her duty of watching Chris.

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