Chapter Eight - Already Christmas time?

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The Season went by almost in hyperspeed. It was already christmas time so lando and i flew back to England to our families. Oscar and i didn't publish our relationship just yet and it was good like that. We couldn't need any people to judge us over chrisimas... I was invited to the Norris house as always because my parents hated christmas. „Hey Cisca! Merry Christmas!" i greeted his mom with a warm hug. „Hello my Dear!" she hugged me. I quickly got rid of my shoes and jacket before i put my presents under the Christmas tree. Noone looked so i could place them between the presents that were already laying there. Then i joined Cisca and Flo in the kitchen. „Y/N! YOU'RE HERE!" Flo screamed and jumped into my arms. I just laughed. We were like sisters over the years. „HIII!" i laughed. Adam just plugged his ears as he heard her scream. I laughed and also greeted him with a warm hug. „Hey Adam good to see you again!" i smiled. „Hi Y/N you and lando made big scandals during the season." Adam laughed. I joined in. „yeh sorry for that!" i replied. „where are Oli and Sav? Are they late again because of the little one?" i laughed right as the two of them stepped into the kitchen. „No we're here!" oli laughed tickling me. „hey stop that!" i laughed. Savannah also greeted me with a warm hug. I was searching for little Mila but couldn't find her so i just assumed she was sleeping in the bedroom. I mean she's just a little child and it was already 8pm so she'll get my presents tomorrow. I went back to the kitchen. „Hey Cisca do you need any help?" i asked her. „No i'm fine honey just relax!" she smiled. So i walked to the livingroom. Lando wasn't there just yet so i assumed Luisa had some problems choosing an outfit. Yes they are a couple again this time with the goal not to let social media drag them apart. Right as i thought that the doorbell rang. „Y/N could you open up please?" Adam asked as i was about to stand up. I was confused cause obviously lando had keys to the house. I opened the door and just froze. „Hey there my Angel!" Oscar said happily. His bag standing beside him. I immediately jumped into his arms. „Heyyy Ossy!" i greeted him with a Kiss. Luisa and lando were just pulling into the driveway as i let go of Oscar. „Hey Lushinha!" i greeted her. „Wow you learned how to pronounce my name hermana!" she giggled and hugged me. I tried to take Oscars Hand but he pulled away to greet Lando with a Brotherly hug. I looked at them surprised and Luisa did the same. Now Oscar brought his attention back to me. He picked me up and just went inside.

„Alright i am curious! Who planned all this?!" i asked while we were having dinner. No one awnsered my question. „Okay if no one tells me i'll find out myself!" i said while grabbing Oscars phone. He doesn't care if i take his phone. I mean his code is y/bd. I went through instagram first checking if he was texting with Adam, Flo, Oli or Savannah, but nothing. I was confused so i openend whatsapp and looked through his chat with lando. Again nothing. I looked at everyone just to see Ciscas eyes shining. I immediately knew she was the one that planned this so i put Oscars phone away. „Awh Cisca! You didn't need to do that! I would've gone to Australia for New Years anyway!" i pouted at her cuteness. She just smiled. „honestly it wasn't just her idea!" lando said then. I looked at him confused. I worked from home for the rest of the season. I went home after the Belgian Grand Prix because my mom got diagnosed with a brain tumour. Gladly it was just a stadium One tumour on the outside of her brain and it didn't spread yet so they could operate it, but it can still come back. „What do you mean it wasn't only her idea?" i asked him. He looked at flo then luishinha and then back at me with a wide smile. „Well Flo had the idea, Luisa thought it was good, mum was absolutely up for it and i just more or less forced him to come!" Lando laughed. I looked around first at Flo, then Cisca and Luisa before i looked at Landi and then Oscar. „So you've all planned this behind my back?" i asked in disbelief and happiness. They all just nodded. „Merry Christmas smiley face!" Lando said happily. „Thank you curlyhead!" i smiled and got up to hug him. Now i feel bad and as if my present isn't as good as his. When we got to the Livingroom i immediately gave Lando my present. „I hope you like it... i am sorry that I can't surprise you as much as you did to me!" i said while sitting back down. At first he opened the big box and put the envelope aside. „Y/N IS THAT-" he started happy before he started crying in happiness. I nodded. „Yep you know as a Manager you have many more contacts!" i said as he pulled out one of the Helmets Valentino Rossi wore. He opened the envelope and read the letter.

„You did not?!" Lando cried and came over to me

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„You did not?!" Lando cried and came over to me. He picked me up and twirled me around. „Merry Christmas Lando... my Curlyhead!" i smiled. „Y/N you don't know how much this means to me!" he said still crying and hugging me. „I know Lanlan, i know! That is why i worked out this plan with Valentino!" i repied.

As we all went through our presents it was time for Oscar and me to exchange presents. I gave him a small box and so did he to me. As i opened it a beautiful golden necklace caught my eyes. It was a fine chain with a little angel on it. Meanwhile Oscar opened his present and looked at a silver bracelet with our names engraved on the inside and a small text on the inside of the box.

When i think about love i see it's just going for a walk. When i see your eyes i could get lost in them and never come back. Your voice is the sweetest melody for me and your touch feels like thousands of little kisses. When i look into my future i see us sitting in our garden old and grey. Drinking a tea -i know that you're thinking 'fucking brit' don't even say it- and watching our grandchildren play while our kids are around aswell. I see us playing like kids, protecting each other like siblings, respecting each other like adults and loving each other like no one else.

He chuckled at my monologue and immediately held out his hand for me to put the bracelet onto him. But so did i with the necklace. I held my hair up so he could help me. After he closed the bracelet he placed a small kiss on my neck and then pulled me closer so we cuddled.

The rest of that evening we just sat by the fireplace, talked and laughed a lot. Oscar and i decided to get home by 11 PM and you probably can guess what happened then.....

~~~ To be continued ~~~

The British girl and the Aussie Boy // Oscar Piastri x Reader // short storyWhere stories live. Discover now