#1 - curiosity killed the cat

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to: Y/N.Y/L/N@companyemail.com
from: Karen Smith
This is the 3rd time this has happened! I demand to speak to anyone that's in charge.

"Ugh, she won't stop complaining," you groan as you finish reading another email from the same customer who's been complaining for 4 days straight because the delivery man delivered her package to her neighbor.

You've tried to explain multiple times that he had no choice due to her absence at the time of delivery but she's adamant on letting you know she doesn't approve.

You rub your eye with the knuckle of your index finger, careful not to smudge your eyeliner or mascara before you let a loud sigh push past your lips and slouch in your chair.

Your co-worker and friend, Taehyung, glances over at you from the desk next to yours with an amused grin on his lips. "I dealt with her last time. Good luck, she won't let up."

With a turn of your head, you finally meet his gorgeous eyes that glimmer with mischief and it annoys you to the core. Your glare throws imaginary daggers at him, an irritated scowl forming on your face.

"All she did was order some balloons and confetti. I'd understand if she had ordered something expensive like a phone or console," you mumble in annoyance, your eyes flickering to the bottom right corner of your monitor to check the time.

It's 3:34PM. Under 30 minutes until you get to clock out. You swivel in your chair, head thrown back as you stare at the ceiling, lost in thought. You close your eyes, allowing the built-in ceiling-air-conditioning to softly fan over your face while you think about what a shit week you've had.

"You're too frustrated. Thought about fucking it out of your system?" You hear Taehyung's deep voice way closer than it was before, making you snap your head in the direction of said decibels.

He has rolled over in his chair, now sitting right next to you with a shit-eating grin on his lips. You merely grunt in response, lifting your leg and placing your foot against the edge of his seat's cushion right in between his thighs in one swift motion, missing his groin by a hair before you kick his chair back in the general direction of his desk.

He laughs as he aimlessly rolls back to his desk, grabbing onto the edge of the wooden surface belonging to his desk before turning to fully face you.

"I'm serious, Y/N." His tone does sound more serious but you just wave your hand at him in dismissal as you return your attention to your inbox that's bursting with emails waiting for a response from you.

"You offering?" you tease, playfully, without looking at him, eyes still fixed on the screen in front of you.

A deep chuckle leaves his throat before he continues, "If you'd asked that a week ago, I would've fucked the shit out of you."

Your eyebrows raise in surprise as you turn to look at him but this time it's Taehyung that's avoiding eye contact, eyes glued to his screen as his long fingers gracefully dance over the black keyboard in front of him. Taehyung has always been flirty, has always made dirty jokes but that's what they were. Jokes.

This time, he says it like it's a confession. Like he's serious. And you hate to admit that it rattles you to the core.

"Be normal," you mumble, uncertainty coating your tone as your hands fidget with the bundle of papers to your right, pretending to look busy and unbothered.

He glances at you for a moment before shrugging and saying, "I'm not lying." He returns his gaze to his computer, right hand draped over the cursor as the clicking of his mouse sounds louder than ever.

"But as you know that cute guy asked me out again and I can see it going somewhere," he explains as he brings his other arm up, leaning his elbow on his desk and bringing his hand up to rub his lips with the tips of his fingers.

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