6 ♪ avoiding confrontation

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Chapter six

The blog eventually gets taken down by the time she's heading back to school. It's no promise that the word didn't go around at school though, but Jihyun wasn't worried too much. If people talk, people talk, she couldn't please everyone, and if they want to assume let them assume.

Though, the blog being taken down must've been because of his company. No silly mass reports could have taken it down like that, and nobody was willing to report it anyway when everyone wanted to jump on the criticism bandwagon. If the blog had gotten to the company, who knows what would happen following that? Jihyun would be involved for who knows how long, and her name would forever be engraved in Riki's—Shiru's scandal history. It may be his only one, too.

She could pull her hair out. This was going to get hectic, sucks that she couldn't do much to preempt it now. She now became the girlfriend of a selfish artist in everyone's eyes. So frustrating. Riki out of all people too.

She had to confront him, and the need to grow with every class she attended. If she got weird looks, she didn't notice. She was too stuck in her head to recognize the eyes on her throughout the entire day.

"Yo," Rohee sounded, waving her over. Rohee and Jihyun were the token pair, that's why as soon as Rohee said that people looked over at the door to see Jihyun entering.

She ignored the whispers, for too much was going on for her to focus on them. Her backpack was dropped abruptly onto the seat in front of Rohee, and the girl gave her a worried glance. "It's nothing. I'm just too overwhelmed right now."

Rohee frowned, sympathizing with her. "I bet you are. How are you feeling? I guess about the entire Riki situation."

She didn't want to hear from Riki for the next year, maybe by then, she would be able to recover from this. It was shocking, one, and embarrassing, too. She had just spent her recent time being annoyed with the guy after their last debate, then all of a sudden she shows up at his concert, front row, like an eager fan. Life really was a joke.

"It's unbelievable—like Riki? Riki being Shiru? It's so frustrating. Now I look stupid like an annoying fan or something. Why did it have to be Riki?" Jihyun groaned, combing through her hair with her fingers. Nothing could alleviate how she felt, not even the spring she loved so dearly, nor Shiru's music, nor Rohee. She just needed a moment to let everything settle in.

"Look on the bright side, at least you got the interaction you wanted. I mean, the neon worked since you did get noticed," Rohee said, almost chuckling. Jihyun wanted to laugh too because it was ironic, but she just couldn't, at least not now when the wound was still fresh. She was inundated with many questions, like what was she supposed to do if the company questioned her?

It's fine. That wasn't an issue for her to solve now if it hadn't happened yet. She just needed to do all that she could given the opportunities she had. For example; she needed to confront Riki and find a way to solve this issue before it got worse. "I need to find him, Riki. I need to confront him, we can't just act like this isn't happening, I need to talk to him."

Rohee looked like she was about to give her a reason to not to, but kept quiet and didn't retaliate. "Okay," she said after a while. "I won't stop you, go ahead. If you can find him that is, I'm not sure if he came to school today."

Jihyun narrowed her eyes, angered by the prospect. For him to skip school all that he wanted—because he had this artist thing going for him, while she had to attend because she depended on college to get at least a good-paying job. Lucky him.

Jihyun turned around and left the room, embarking on a short journey to search for the boy.

She peered down the vacant hall, almost losing hope but holding onto her determination to find Riki finally

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She peered down the vacant hall, almost losing hope but holding onto her determination to find Riki finally. Fortunately, she spotted a familiar head of brown hair with blond highlights and heaved a small sigh of fading exhaustion after looking for so long. Jihyun marched up to him, tapping him on his shoulder and watching as the boy turned around.

The moment they met eyes, a scowl formed on his face, and Jihyun returned it. If he's going to be mad, she should too, there's a higher chance that this is ruining her life than it is his. "Riki—"

"I have stuff to do. Leave me alone."

"What the hell?" Jihyun immediately snapped the moment he turned his back to her. Selfish prick. Her hand grasped his wrist and she tugged him around. "You can't say that when I'm being affected by this too, y'know? We need to talk about this."

"We don't need to talk about anything, Jihyun. I'm being bothered enough, so leave it," he grumbled, ripping his arm from her grasp and turning around again. That time Jihyun didn't even bother. It was pointless.

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