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The night progresses with Freddie and Carly peacefully asleep, nestled together. As the moon casts a gentle glow, their dreams intertwine with the anticipation of the new chapter awaiting them. The room is filled with a serene quiet, echoing the love that surrounds this moment.

(Carly stirs awake at 3 am, feeling some discomfort in her stomach. She gently shifts, trying not to disturb Freddie, who remains peacefully asleep beside her.)

Carly: (Whispering to herself) Hmm, what's going on? Maybe I just need to get up for a moment.

(Carly, feeling increasingly uneasy, gently wakes Freddie with a sense of urgency.)

Carly: (Softly shaking Freddie) Freddie, wake up. I'm scared, something doesn't feel right.

Freddie: (Groggy) What's wrong, Carly?

Carly: (Panicking) My stomach hurts, Freddie. I'm really scared.

Freddie: Carly, it's probably just our little one moving around. Breathe, okay? We can figure this out together.

Carly: (Anxiously) What if something's wrong?

Freddie: (Comforting) We'll call the doctor first thing in the morning. Right now, let's focus on calming down. Our baby is probably just saying hello in their own way.

Freddie: Carly, I promise you, nothing's wrong. This happens sometimes during pregnancy. It's part of the journey. Let's stay calm and monitor it, and we'll call the doctor in the morning just to be sure.

Carly: (Nodding) Okay, Freddie. I trust you. But it scared me.

Freddie: I know, and I'm right here with you. We'll make sure everything is okay, and our little one is safe.

Carly: Freddie, it's just my first kid, and I might be overreacting. I want everything to be perfect for them.

Freddie: (Understanding) It's completely normal to feel that way, Carly. We're new to this, and it's okay to have concerns. We'll learn together and make sure our baby has the best care.

Carly: (Sighing) I appreciate your reassurance, Freddie. I just want to be the best mom I can be.

Freddie: (Smiling) And you will be, Carly. We'll navigate this journey together, and there's no need to worry alone.

Freddie: Carly, come here. Let's try to go back to sleep. I love you, princess.

Carly: (Nestling into Freddie's arms) I love you too. Thanks for being here for me, Freddie.

(They find comfort in each other's embrace, trying to ease back into a peaceful sleep, reassured by the love that surrounds them.)

(Freddie, sensing Carly's heightened anxiety, gently encourages her to relax.)

Freddie: (Softly) Carly, I can feel your heart racing. Breathe, babe. In and out. We'll get through this, okay?

Carly: (Nervously) Okay, babe. *Deep breathes in and out*

Freddie: (Encouragingly) That's it. Slow and steady. We'll take it one step at a time. I'm right here with you, Carly.

(As Carly and Freddie focus on calming breaths, the tension gradually eases. Slowly, they drift back off to sleep, finding solace in each other's presence amidst the quiet of the night.)

(As the morning sun paints the sky with gentle hues, it's 8 am. Freddie, waking up with a sense of determination, decides to surprise Carly. He gently slips out of bed to go to the store, intending to get flowers for her and make her favorite breakfast while she continues to sleep peacefully.)

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