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The next morning arrives, bringing with it anticipation for the doctor's appointment and the joy of the holiday season. Freddie, Carly, and Millicent prepare for the day ahead, unaware of the surprises and heartwarming moments awaiting them. The journey of parenthood unfolds as they navigate the uncertainties with love and support.

Carly wakes up, a sense of nervousness settling in as she contemplates what the doctor might reveal during today's appointment.

Carly: (Softly) Wake up, babe. It's time to get ready for the doctor's appointment.

Freddie: (Comfortingly) Good morning, babe. It's gonna be okay. (Leans in for a good morning kiss.)

Carly: (Expressing her nervousness) I'm so nervous. Is Millicent up yet?

Freddie: I'm sure she is. (Offering reassurance) We'll go check on her together. It's going to be alright, Carly.

(Freddie and Carly walk into the living room, finding Millicent sitting on the couch, engrossed in watching a cartoon.)

Freddie: Morning, Millicent. How are you today?

Millicent: (Turning to them) Morning! I'm good. Just catching up on some cartoons.

(Freddie and Carly, in unison, ask Millicent if she wants to go with them to the doctor appointment.)

Freddie: Millicent, do you wanna go with us to the doctor's appointment?

Millicent: (Excitedly) Really? Yeah, that sounds cool!

Millicent: (Excited) Are we still going to the Festival of Lights tonight?

Freddie and Carly: (In unison) Of course! It's a plan.

(Millicent gets her coat, ready to join Freddie and Carly, and gives them both a hug.)

Millicent: Ready to go! Hugs for good luck at the doctor's appointment.

Carly: (Hugging Millicent) I love you, and tonight is going to be a blast.

Millicent: (Smiling) Love you guys too! Let's make today awesome.

(Freddie, Carly, and Millicent leave the apartment, heading to the doctor's appointment, uncertain of the news awaiting them but united in their support for each other.)

Carly: (Expressing concern) What if something is wrong with our kid?

Millicent: (Joining in) It's gonna be okay, Carly. We'll get through it together.

Freddie: (Comforting) Just breathe. (Places a reassuring hand on Carly's thigh while keeping one hand on the steering wheel.) We'll face whatever comes our way together.

Carly: (Expressing her struggles) I wish I'd stop overthinking everything.

Freddie: (Supportively) It's normal to have concerns, Carly. Let's take it one step at a time.

(Freddie, Carly, and Millicent arrive at the doctor's office, ready to face the uncertainty and gather more information about the pregnancy.)

(Freddie and Millicent, offering reassurance, speak together.)

Freddie: It's gonna be okay, we promise.

Millicent: Yeah, we're all here for each other.

(They arrive at the check-in spot, ready to begin the process at the doctor's office.)

Receptionist: Good morning! How can I assist you today?

Carly: (Addressing the receptionist) Carly Shay. I have an appointment scheduled for today.

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