( levels. )qen

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  I observed Xio, as she raised her arms at chest level. She started to concentrate. Her energy felt fierce and vigorous, I felt it through the wind. Could feel her strong wave of Arekuruu from here. I could probably feel it from 200 miles away by how great the power was. I started to raise my arms as well. Since she's already started to warm up, I might as well join her. My Odayakana flowed through my veins calmly, as I focused on scanning for Xio's weak spots. I heard something snap, and I knew she moved. Training has officially started.

  "Hmm," I thought. "Xio is pretty obvious. She should be standing exactly over... there."

  I yanked my Ox Mace from the palm of my hand and swung the chained ball into a tree. Just as I expected, she jumped up from hiding and teleported into the air. I knew where she was going, because I could sense her. I need to remind her how much of a disadvantage that is. If she'll even listen. She appeared next to me, so I swung at her with my mace. She leaned to the side, dodging my attack. Xio then pulled her arm up, her Zenrusho following quickly behind. I flipped backwards, barely missing the sharp blade's connection with my shoulder.

  "Your speed is growing, Xio," I congratulated her. She needs to know she's improving. "Even though your Hidden Energy technique could use a little more work."

  "I thought I already told you I needed more help with that, but I get it, you let it slip your mind AGAIN," She threw her arm back to send out another attack. "But, thanks."

  I swung out my Ox Mace to block, then counterattack. I then ran towards her full speed, and slammed my fist into her abdomen. Blood splattered on my left cheek. Another opening. Not good, Xio, not good. She hit the ground hard, rolling approximately 50 feet away. She was still holding back. That was not a good sign.

  Xio let out a gargled cough. "What the hell?! I could've died from that!!"

  "But, you didn't," I explained to her. "We aren't humans, so our bodies aren't as fragile as theirs. If you were to be of relation to a human, you would have been dead. My fist would have easily split apart your abdomen area."

  "I know that, but cut me some slack. I can still feel pain and be hurt like a human. Just can... withstand more." Xio rolled her eyes.

  I gave her a lookover. "I will not cut you this 'slack' you speak of. You need to fight me like I am trying to destroy you. Or you will DIE like a human."

  "But, that's what I'm afraid of, Qen," she sadly said. "If I put everything I have into this practice round, I really might hurt you... Or maybe even kill you."

  I pondered on what she had in mind. "You are correct. But, if danger ever comes to threaten a place we call our home, will you fight them like you fought me? That is not enough. Even though these... THINGS don't give a rat's ass about us, who's gonna be here to protect them if we're not?"


  "Not another word, Xio," I shouted. "Let us leave. Please? I'm tired right now, and you're so weak today it's upsetting."

  Xio slowly stood up, healing herself of her inflicted wound. "Whatever."

  I worry a lot about Xio's power. She is very correct on many levels. I know much more about her powers than she does, which makes the situation harder. Humans have these things they call secrets, in which it is a piece of information which cannot be shared with many, if at all. I am her sister, and I must tell her everything that I know about the two of us. But, I am afraid that I cannot do that. I fear that she is not ready. The time must be accordingly appropriate for me to tell her about our origin. I just do not know when that day shall come.

*    *    *

  The sun started to set in the west, giving the sky an orange and purple fuse. We walked down the sidewalk together in silence. Xio's facial expressions kept changing like an aggressive tide. Shenra was full of extraordinary people, and the crowds in the evening were living proof. The streets were bustling with food carts and side shows, with its fair share of teenage groups in and out of the strip. I could never get why Xio loved humans and what they indulged in so much. Their materials? Their habits? Their feelings? Why did Xio want to understand those things? 

  "I just want to be able to make friends, at least once." Xio finally turned to look at me. "People may not like me because... Because I look scary... I don't see how cause I look like a lot of others, but... Maybe I can try to let them get to know me."

  My hands oddly started to shake slightly. Was that something I didn't want? "Are you sure about that? I don't get the feeling these people want to-"

  "I don't care, Qen. It's not always about what they want. It's about who can be there for them when it's time. And who's willing to risk it for the ones you care about. And... I want more people to care about. I don't wanna become heartless. You get me?"

  Not completely. "I get you, and I'm with you. All the way, sis."

  The rest of the walk home kept me thinking about what she said about wanting more people to care about. Like who? People don't think like we do, Xio. Not everyone can see the same things we see. Maybe at a later date I could comprehend. I can never actually get anything she says anymore. She's more and more like a human every day now.

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