𝒜𝓁𝓁 𝑜𝓋𝑒𝓇 𝓎𝑜𝓊

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The cobras all went into Susan's house with their drinks and weed, most of them was pissed except jimmy, jimmy seemed to be the most responsible one out of them all.
'Hey Blair, get the rest of the girls up and down here.' Susan tells Blair, which she does.

'Chicks in pyjamas, hot..' Dutch says while drinking a banquet.
Johnny watched as Blair went upstairs, mainly staring at her ass in her oversized guns n roses tee and small shorts.
Bobby and Tommy watched as Johnnys eyes followed Blair up the stairs and they smirked looking at eachother.
'Hey John, wanna get your eyes off Blair's ass!' Tommy shouts.

Johnny glares at him and throws a pillow right in his face, it also embarrassed Blair making her pull her shirt down a bit when walking back upstairs.

After all the girls had came down everyone was drinking and passing around a joint, Blair had never tried weed, didn't want to plan on it either.
Until, Johnny came over to her passing her the joint,' you want some?' He offers, Blair looks him up and down,'aw it's like getting flowers!' She sarcastically rolls her eyes.

Johnny shrugs taking a hit,'So we ain't really talked have we?' He says sitting down on the couch next to her, Blair takes a drink of her beer,'Nope and I'm not gonna lie to you, Lawrence, I'd rather keep it that way.' She says flicking through a magazine.
Johnny looks at blair, looks at how focused she is on the magazine, the way she looks even in pyjamas. Everything about her made him feel some sort of way.

'Never took you for a beer type of girl,' he tried making conversation with the girl sat next to him. Blair huffs and puts on looks that kill by motley crue on the speakers in Susan's house.

Johnny followed her like a lost puppy,'Nice choice, motley crue.' He tries impressing her, Blair turns to him,'you like motley crue?' She asks interested, Johnny smiles,'Hell yeah! Me and the guys went to see them live a few months ago.'
Blair's eyes widen,'no way, I've always wanted to go.' She says,' never really had the money for it though.' She awkwardly stated, Johnny rolled another joint,'I didn't pay, we snuck in. You sure you don't want some?' He asks.

Blair rolls her eyes,'you got a lighter?'

Johnny pulls a lighter out his cobra Kai jacket,'when do I not.' He passes the joint and lighter to her, Blair took a hit and tried keeping in her cough, but failed.. a lot.

Johnny laughed at the girl coughing then passing the joint back to Johnny,'Never again.' She said laughing.
Johnny and Blair walked over to everyone and going into their own conversations with people, Susan spoke up,'Guys, I think we should play a game!' She said to everyone, the girls and boys agreed.

They all decided to play hide n seek.

Susan decided to pair people up and shock, Johnny and Blair got paired together, Susan and Bobby, Tommy and Susan, Jennifer and dutch and amber and jimmy.

Bobby and Susan were counting and everyone had 120 seconds to find a place to hide.
Johnny and Blair walked around the back garden til Johnny grabbed Blair's hand and ran into the shed hiding behind a bunch of shelf's.
'There's got to be a shit load of spiders in here.' Blair says looking around, the only light in the shed was the moon peeping through the old windows that had cobwebs on them.

Johnny chuckled quietly, he then noticed a crate of coors banquet he stood up and grabbed it.

It had about 10 bottles in the thing,'I don't think we're allowed to drink them.' Blair said quietly standing up next to the blonde boy.
Johnny shrugged,' they won't notice, either way if we win or loose, we'll atleast be tipsy off this.'

The pair grabbed a bottle each, Johnny went to go open his up with his teeth until Blair snatched it away,'Do you want your teeth to pop out?' She asks then grabbing a eyelash curler out her Pyjama pocket and opening the bottles with her eyelash curler.
Johnny smirked at the smart idea the girl had came up with.

'Do you think they are gonna find us in here?' Blair asks taking a sip from the bottle, Johnny sits back down followed by Blair,'Don't know, don't think so.'
Blair shrugs,'So karate.. what's it like?' Blair tries to make conversation with him considering the only noise that couldn't even put them out the awkward tension was crickets outside.

'Fuck!' Johnny shouts, Blair looks over to him noticing he had split his drink, Blair giggles,'It's all over you.' She continues.
'No fucking shit.' He says chuckling a bit as well

'you know me and the guys are going to this place golf n stuff some point, you guys should tag along?' Johnny asks, looking at Blair keeping eye contact with her, the two teenagers felt some sort of way for eachother.

Johnny couldn't help but notice how.. he couldn't even put it into words, just her face, she had nice facial features and these beautiful eyes she had nice lips too.

Blair on the other hand, all the feelings of him being a complete dickhead slipped her mind, she did think he was hot like the way his hair was, baby blues and nice blonde locks, some good genes.

Blair cut off the eye contact,'I don't know I'll have to see what i-' the two got cut off by the door opening in the shed, luckily they were behind this massive painting, Johnny put his hand over Blair's mouth thinking it was Bobby and Susan.

'This'll spare us a few minutes, hey?' A familiar voice speaks up, sounds like Tommy.
Barbara walks in,'What if someone walks in?' She asks, they both stay silent then all you could hear was the two kissing.

Johnnys face goes red from trying not to laugh, the blonde then nudges Blair pointing to pass a pool cue chalk, which she does.
Johnny throws it trying to scare the two teenagers, he then starts going,'ooo' mimicking ghost noises.

Blair does the same until Tommy speaks up,'Who the fuck is in here!' He says trying to be intimidating, he then looks at the painting from where the noise was coming from and gets into a karate stance,'come out!' He shouts.

Johnny and Blair get up stepping over some stuff laughing so hard,'you two were about to bone weren't ya?' Johnny says trying to stop laughing.

Blair grabs her bottle and drinks it still laughing,'Sorry Barb, that was too funny.' She says.
'You two are dickheads!' Barbara says rolling her eyes,' your lucky I like you, Blair.' She says walking over to her friend taking a sip of her drink.
'Didn't know you two could joke around? Didn't think you liked eachother.' Tommy speaks up, Blair and Johnny look at each other.

'Oh no he's still a dickhead-'
'Oh no she's still a dickhead-'
They say in unison.

'Found ya!' Susan says to the four people standing in the shed, Bobby walks up behind,'fucking hell susan, why are you so quick.' Bobby says panting.

'You do karate you should be good at keeping up.'

After everyone was found the boys ended up sleeping over as well.

What a night

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