Chapter 3: He is Back

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Celeste's POV

Next morning I found myself snuggled up between Xander and Leon. I am really surprised that I slept quite well. It was the first time I slept without having a nightmare. I try to wiggle out from them. I can fell both their cocks getting hard because of my wiggling.

I feel a hand snake around my waist holding me in my position.

"If you don't want to spend the next few hours in bed I suggest you to stay still My Fox." I hear Xander's raspy morning voice which in my sense is absolutely sexy.

"Maybe I want to master."

"Well well our vixen is getting naughty early morning. Did you sleep well?"

"Yes daddy. I slept really well. The first time in many years that I did not wake up with a nightmare in middle of the night."

"What time is it little one?"

"7 am already Xander." Leon replies.

"7 am we are late Leon don't you have to go to hospital!?" I shout out in panic.

"I am going my vixen. You are going to take a rest here with Xander and discuss the contract."

"But-.. "

"No buts my Fox you need rest after yesterday. Now I did not hear a yes master."

"Yes master." I say giving up.

I watch Leon get ready into the clothes that Xander has picked for him. Then I realize that I did not went home last night. Val would be freaking out.

"Where is my phone?" I ask in panic.

Xander brings me my phone and I see 10 missed calls and  a bunch of messages from Valentine.

"Shit fuck" I mumble under my breath.

"Language my fox."

"Sorry master" I mumble out the apology not sounding even a least bit sorry.

I face time Val she picks up soon.

"Hey bitch where are you?" Is the first thing she says. I look up at Xander and Leon they have amusement over their faces.

"We will give you some privacy my Fox. "

"Bye my vixen I will meet you in the evening."

"Bye daddy" I shout out to Leon.

"Fox, vixen? Spill it I want all the deets" Val says teasingly.

I tell Val everything that happened yesterday. After I am done she says.

"Girl make sure to form a contract those two are  treasures you won't find anywhere."

"I know Val and I really like them. They are the first people to not get scared of my scars." I say as a tear spills from my eyes.

"They both have more confidence me and body more than me. Where I am ashamed of it they told me they will treat me as their goddess."

"Hey Celly remember you are really beautiful alright. Your body is amazing. And  it isn't your fault that you have these scars. It's your excuse of a father's fault you have them. And they symbolize that you my girl is strong and a fighter."

" Thank you so much Val. I love you. Now when are you going to tell me about the ring on your finger."

I see her blush a nice shade of pink before she says "Yesterday he proposed Celly. I am so happy, you know it is still surreal for me."

"Well I can confirm it is real."

"Celly I will be moving out of the house with him. Will you be alright by yourself or will you feel better with us. He says he doesn't have a problem."

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