Chapter 15: The Sleepover 2

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"Ooo someone is really cheesy in real life." Kat teases.
"True. My god, it was embarrassing for myself too listening to them." Lilly says.
"Oh my I am gonna get diabetes, so sweet." Val teases me.
I throw a cushion at her and say "Please stop making fun of me, it's not funny. I- let's just move on, your turn Val."
Val calls Alex next even though she did not need permission as she won't be drinking but still we wanted them to talk. Especially for the fact that they are not in a full time BDSM scenes like me, Leon and Xander.
"Hey Alex what are you doing?"
"Nothing much playing billiards with the boys while drinking. What are you doing?"
"Us girls were gossiping about our relationships and life and stuff."
"Remember don't drink and don't lift heavy stuff also make sure to eat plenty."
"Yes yes can you please stop treating me like a handicap I am just pregnant with twins for God’s sake."
"Yeah but still. Remember to remind Celly that you don't like onions and celery also don't drink or eat much oily and spicy stuff-"
"First off, only I can call Celeste Celly not you or even those two idiots that stole her heart. Second, you do know that Celly and I are childhood friends, she would know that I don't like onions or celery better than you. Third of all, I am a gynecologist for your reminder and Celly is a pediatrician too. We both know how to care for pregnant women especially me I deliver kids all day you know?" Val says cutting him off and laughing.
"Ok ok I understand what I mean is just take care of yourself. Good night love you." He says snickering.
"Love you too Alex." Val says with a shit eating grin on her face.
"Well well well, it was so cute!!" Lilly explodes.
"Sure was. I still can't fathom how I survived all those nights with you two and your sweet stuff till now." I say as I fake a shiver.
"Oh yeah? Like how you tried to castrate him, thinking he was responsible for my early period moods?" Val says taunting me.
Everyone else laughs at me and I just playfully punch Val.
Next Lilly calls James. "Hello daddy?"
"What is it my sweet pea? Are you being a good girl with your friends?"
"Yes daddy. I just wanted to ask if I can drink some red wine today?" Lilly says abashedly.
"I suppose you can just this once. But not more than one glass. Your alcohol holding ability is the worst." James says sternly.
"Okay daddy! Can I please stay last my bed time? I don't think I will fall asleep by 10 pm today." Lilly says like a 6 year old.
"Sure my love you can but make sure to sleep with someone. I know you are scared to sleep alone and of the dark." James says.
"Sure daddy. Wo ai ni daddy!" Lilly says.
"Wo ye ai ni sweet pea. Tianmi de meng. Yiding yao meng jian wo." James says keep the phone.
"What the hell did that mean?" Val asks Lilly after she hangs up.
"I won't answer." Lilly says sticking out her tongue.
Before Kat forces her I speak up "Basically she said I love you to him, and he said I love you too sweet pea. Sweet dreams. Make sure to dream about me." I say passing Lils a sly glance.
The look on my friend's faces are hilarious. Val although is smiling knowingly.
"You know how to speak Mandarin?" Lilly shouts excitedly.
"Yeah, I learned it when I was into Chinese romance dramas. Even though they had English subtitles, I started picking up words and wanted to learn too." I explain to them.
"Gen wo jianghua." Lilly says. (Speak to me.)
"Name ni de zhenming shi shenme?" I ask her. (Well what is your real name?)
"Wo de zhengming shi hanyunxi." (My real and traditional name is Han Yunxi.)
"Nice name Lils." I say complementing her.
"Thanks your Mandarin is amazing too." She says.
"Don't ask how much time she spent in college trying to learn Mandarin by herself and watching those Chinese dramas." Val says.
"I do remember the time that I did not spend on my bike, practicing MA or studying, I would spend it watching dramas and learning Mandarin. There was a time when she said for me to stop speaking Mandarin between conversations." I say, laughing with her.
"Your turn Kat." Val says slyly.
"How about not. I don't know how he would respond." She says quite nervous now.
"No can do love. We three did it, is fair you do too." I say.
"Besides what can happen only some mushy stuff right?" Lils says.
"Uh- many more things like a sex call. Please, let's not do this." Kat says taking sips of the wine in her nervousness.
"Um Kat you should not drink without permission." I say reminding her.
"Oo sorry! I just- am nervous." She says fidgeting with her fingers.
"Hey don't worry, besides we don't mind a few seconds of sex talk." Val says shamelessly.
"Alright alright I will call." Kat aquiecsed.
"Hello Kat? What happened, missed your Master already that you can't wait till 11 to talk?"
"No master, I wanted to ask you for a permission." Kat says meekly.
"What is it? If you are gonna ask for permission to take out the vibrators out and cum, the answer is already no." Alex says teasingly.
"No master I wanted to ask for permission to drink red wine." Kat says while blushing.
"Where are you and with whom are you drinking?"
"I am with Kat, Lils and Celeste right now. We are having a girl's night at your home."
"Okay you can drink, just be sober enough to not do silly things like you always do when you are drunk and make sure to call me before you sleep. We can continue what we were doing yesterday." Alex says with innuendos in his voice.
"Okay master I won't drink much, I promise." Kat says.
"Yeah, we don't want your body with blood across it as soon as I come home do we?" Alex says with a promise in his voice.
"No master. But I won't mind if you do." Kat says blushing like a schoolgirl.
"Yeah make sure not to cum while I start the vibrator. I love when you are trying to be innocent while you really are a greedy whore who likes to cum in front of other people." Alex says his voice thick with lust.
"I-I will talk to you later Master, my friends are waiting." Kat says trying not to be embarrassed more than she already is.
We all are trying not to giggle too loudly at her state.
"Are you brushing me off pet slave?" Alex says.
"No Master I wouldn't even think of it." Kat says.
"Good make sure to be a good pet, and maybe I will let you cum. Or even reward you for not cumming in what, how many days?" Alex asks.
"The last time you left Master. I haven't been allowed to cum since then, master." Kat says whimpering.
It must have been hard not to cum for a week, while we all know he wouldn't just leave her alone without edging her all week. No wonder, she was tired and her mood was down.
"Well you wouldn't be allowed to cum anyway my pet and your body is definitely getting blood as soon as I am home. But do you know what the best part is, slave?" Alex asks her, mocking her.
"No master." Kat says hope in her voice.
"You still won't be allowed to cum while I use you for my pleasure. Remember, your body's pleasure is mine to give and take." Alex says cruelly.
"Please master. Please let me cum." Kat says begging.
"You know better than to beg, pet. Also tell your friend it was nice to be of their entertainment. I will make sure to have a talk with their doms." Alex says and keeps the phone.
We all groan at him. "I told you we will get caught with mine." Kat says indignantly.
"Well looks like we all won't be cumming for a few days now." I say dejectedly.
"Looks like it, and I am sure the other doms will catch up that the same was going on with them too." Lils says.
"I am so sorry, guys. I will explain it to them later that it was my idea, and I am to take the punishment." I say feeling regretful.
"It's not fair to you too Cel we all agreed on the prank, so we all are responsible." Kat says.
"Yeah and anyway you just gave the idea, and it was up to us to agree." Val says.
"Thanks guys. Now lets enjoy the night and not dwell on that any more, right?"
We all agree on that and move forward to talking with each other and knowing ourselves better. We all get to know that Lils is half Chinese from her mother's side and James learned the language just so they can converse secretly. I tell them about my hobbies like reading books, swimming, martial arts, biking. And all about ourselves. Soon the topic reaches about the type of subs are.
"Well, I am a pet slave. I like being treated like a pet and a major masochist. I am a full time pet slave. Like I love blood play extreme whipping and stuff too except marking. Exhibition and verbal humiliation and degradation makes me wet too. The reason I am not wearing full-length pajamas right now is because we haven't indulged-" Kat tells us and abruptly stops mid-sentence.
We all look at her, and it looks like she is struggling with her words and her face is flushed too.
"Are you alright, Kat?" Lils asks her.
Suddenly, realization washes over me and I exclaim, "Oh! Alex switched on the vibrator, didn't he?" I say more of a statement than a question. We all giggle at that while she struggles.
Kat turns more red by the statement and says "Sorry, it's off now. As I was saying, the reason I am in half pajamas because we haven't had playtime this week's and I got no welts across me." Kat says after a few minutes.
"Well, I am a part-time submissive, and I can take pain fairly much as I ain't a major masochist. Even though, I do like voyeurism, I am not into public exhibitionism. I do like verbal degradation and humiliation too." Val says next.
"Well as you can tell, I am a little submissive. My mental age is around 7 years old. I hate pain and only get punished with spanking which I end up crying badly. I hate having sex in front of people and am shy in front of daddy's friends. My favorite things to do is colour and play with dolls." Lilly says.
"Well this is fascinating, and I think you and my mom will really get along, she is also a little and apparently younger than you her mental age is 6. Hell, it is really a pain to take care of her sometimes." I tell the rest of them.
"Yeah it is really weird and ironic that her mom, the most dangerous cop in our city is a little with the mental age of 6. We all tease her a lot about this." Val says laughing.
"Ok my turn. I am a slave and a full time submissive. I like pain play as long as it does not include blood play. Although I don't do extreme pain play, but still am able to take more than others as long no blood is drawn. I like voyeurism and exhibitionism both a lot." I tell them.
After eating the snacks and food while drinking and chatting a few more hours, we decide to sleep. It is now around 12 am and I feel really sleepy. I pack all the leftovers thanks to the girls and check over the kids one last time, and we all move to the master bedroom as we decide that rather than sleeping in different rooms we will sleep in one. Val and Lils take the bed as one of them is a little and one is pregnant. I tuck Lils in while telling her a bedtime story while she cuddles her unicorn stuffy.
"Thanks so much Cel for reading me the story. Good night." Lils mumbles as the story ends.
"Don't worry, love I read them to the kids and my mom often enough that it won't be a problem. If you want to go to the washroom, wake me up alright or for anything you need." I tell her knowing how scare she must be from the dark as a little.
"Love you so much thank you again." Lils says as she snuggles, and I cover her with a bedsheet.
I take out the outfit that I am going to wear tomorrow to work and lay it out on the chair while I ask Kat to inflate the double inflatable bed, so we can sleep on that. After that is done, we all go to sleep as I put my alarm for the next day.

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