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I dreamt about my close college friend Kevin. In my dream, I went where he stayed. He stayed in a small shack with his friend Jaime. He was our college classmate in real life. I saw him two times to borrow money for transportation. It looked like I was out of money and payday was in 3 days. He never refused when I asked. He was willing to lend me some. His place was muddy. There was no proper road. It was in a squatter area. The second day I went (I always went with someone I didn't know in real life. It was a girl.) to him was bad timing cos the crazy neighbor got into an argument with another neighbor and he was holding a machete so we had to go to a different way. He had to walk with us cos I didn't know about his place. We might get lost. The third day I saw him was to pay him back.  The other classmates (it was like a reunion) were there. We were taking group photos. Then, I heard our classmate Ella whisper to her friend that Kevin and I were holding hands in one of the photos. I didn't even know so I went to Kevin's place. He went home after the picture taking. Ella was there already. I told her to delete the photo. It was a struggle cos she didn't want to. I persuaded her to do it.

We were both taken in my dream. We had long-time partners. I was about to leave when Kevin told me to confront him. I told him it didn't bother me. We were close friends but I wanted it deleted to protect our relationships with our partners. He offered to take me home. We ended up bringing the neighbor's newborn baby back to my place. Her mother is my neighbor-friend Wella but I didn't see her there. It was quite hard for Kevin to drive the motorbike. It was raining at that time. It was so weird. He took me to my house in Lawis. It's strange cos he didn't live where he lives in real life. Probably, he worked in a different place and rented a small space somewhere unfamiliar.

I got woken up by my son crying saying he saw a shadow monster and my hubby yelling for the monster to get out of our room. It's so weird. That shadow my son saw might be the one feeding into my dream. Or is it just a coincidence?

I also forgot that we were taking a nap in the afternoon. I thought it was morning. It's already evening when I'm writing this.

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