First Boyfriend

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I dreamt about being in a province and visiting my relatives. I didn't recognize the people there but they were related to me. I stayed there for a while and met my first boyfriend. The relationship didn't last long cos he cheated on me. He was the son of the mayor there. Good thing a concerned guy told me while we were together strolling one day. My ex was the son of the mayor there so he was quite known. There were moments in my dream before we became a couple that I forgot. I remember living in a house with him. I remember my parents (not the ones in real life cos I don't recognize them in my dream) got upset when they heard nothing happened to us one night. My ex invited me to come over to his place. We just ate. My parents asked why we didn't drink (alcohol) and if we did something might happen that night. I guess, they wanted me to get pregnant with the mayor's son. Luckily, it didn't happen.

The weird thing was I wasn't sad about the breakup. You know how big a deal it was to choose your first boyfriend/girlfriend. My stay there was great cos of my relatives. They were so kind and nice to me. There were lots of kids and I was so fond of them. However, days before going home something unpleasant and sad happened. One of my relative's dogs died. Someone tried to bury it in the ground but not completely cos we could still see part of its body. I was on a balcony when my high school classmate Faith texted me and when I looked outside she was there by the creek. It was weird. How come she was there? Haha!

That night, they found another dead body. It was a human being. It was an old lady. We were sad cos she was a very kind and nice lady. Another weird thing was her name was one of the characters in the book I read (in my dream). I told the people there that the daughter of my friend was going to be sad when she heard what happened to Lady Nane. Yep, I still remember the old lady's name. The kid loved her. They were confused when I said about the kid. I told one of my cousins that she was in the book I read and the setting was in the province. Was it a coincidence?

We were gathered around the old lady's body and we all cried loudly. My ex-boyfriend was there too. I just ignored him. We were so emotional. We all held hands. I didn't hold my ex's hands but I held someone else's hand. I didn't know him. He was next to my ex. Maybe, he was a friend. He looked at me for a bit.

The day of my departure arrived and I was so sad to leave my relatives. I seemed to enjoy my stay there. It looked like I was in a train station. I saw my ex with his friends coming my way. Actually, I saw him every day after we broke up and during my duration of stay there. I just ignored him. I didn't even look at him. So, he was there while I was in the line at the gate. It was weird when he gave me two bottles of milk and a juice bottle. His friends looked jealous cos they wanted milk too. We didn't say anything to each other and they left.

Then I woke up! When I woke up, I couldn't forget the guy that I held hands with that night when we found the old lady's body. He didn't look familiar in real life but I can still remember his eyes. I even forgot the faces of other people there. It was his face that I still remember. I usually don't remember strangers' faces in my dreams when I wake up. But not this guy though. Should I describe him? I'm not good at describing. Ahahaha! He had black short hair, round eyes, and for some reason, I couldn't remember his nose and mouth, and fair skin. It's his eyes that I can't forget. I dunno why.

I might write a short story about him.

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