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It's been two and a half years since the end of the Lowee Tournament. Noire and Vert have become more powerful then a normal Super Saiyan. Blanc has surpassed the power of a Super Saiyan 2 and was on the verge of surpassing it. Azure has become a Super Saiyan 3, but hasn't mastered it. Currently, Noire was packing all of her stuff as she was going to move to Planeptune.

Sonya: Do you have everything, Noire?

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Sonya: Do you have everything, Noire?

Sonya: Do you have everything, Noire?

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Noire: Yes, mother. I've already packed everything.

Sonya: I can't believe you're all grown up. Not to long ago you were holding onto my leg for dear life and now you're moving out to start your own life.

Noire: I'm still the same mother. I'm just older now.

Sonya: I wonder how Y/n is doing now?

Noire: He's probably training right now.

That's when Sonya saw someone walking in their direction.

Sonya: Noire look behind you.

Noire turned around and saw someone walking towards them. As the person got closer, Noire immediately recognized who it was.

Noire: *sob* Y/n ...is that you?!

Y/n: Hi Noire! I'm back!

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Y/n: Hi Noire! I'm back!

Both hugged Y/n as they cried on him.

Noire: *sob* It's been so long I've missed you!

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