Daphne's pov

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Looking down at my phone trying to pull up the schedule.

I can't thought the wifi at this dang school is so slow. I remember my old school used to have super fast wifi. I think it was so everyone was quiet and just sat on their phones.

'Hmph' ouch.

I feel like I just ran into a brick wall.

Rubbing my forhead I look up slightly to see a guy.

'Oh my gosh I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to run into you I wasn't looking! Honestly it was an accident! I'm so so sorry' I say rambling about how sorry I am running into this guy

He's very handsome. And tall. His eyes thought are perfect color of green. And his hair oh my I just wanna touch it and play with it.

'Yeah whatever.' He grumbles

'Oh. Uh sorry again it won't happen again I pinky promise!' I say smiling at the handsome guy.

Suddenly another 3 guys come up to us. They're all tall but all different. There's a tall ginger haired guy with bright green eyes. Another with blonde hair and crystal blue eyes. And then a black haired guy with brown eyes.

'Woah.' I whisper

'Hi! I'm Leo! You must be new I've never seen you!' The ginger says excitedly

'Hi I'm Daphne! Daphne Clarke and yeah I did just move here!'

'Well I'm Leo this is Zack' he says pointing to the blonde with blue eyes

'This is gage!' Pointing to the black haired guy

'And this ball of grumpiness is Luca!' Leo says pointing to the handsome guy I ran into

'Nice to meet you all. Do you know where I can find my schedule my online one isn't working and I ran into Luca while I was trying to figure it out?' I ask smiling at them all even thought Gage have a scowl look on his face and Luca is just standing there watching my every move. Zack is just silently watching everything.

'Of course I would show you but me, Zack, and Gage have class in about...' he pauses checking his phone

'In about 3 minutes!'' So Luca can take you. Right Luca?' Leo asks turning to Luca.

'Yeah whatever come on.' He mumbles almost angrily.

'Thank you so much Luca!' I say smiling brightly at him.

I don't know what it is about him but there's something special. I like him already even if he's grumpy.



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