Fill in the form only in the respective columns to be a trainee of that particular role.
You can fill up for upto 3 roles. We understand that it's an academy and you should be allowed to fill in all the roles but, as per considering all the real life aspects other than social media, we believe our motive isn't to burden anyone with this work. So, once your course is completed for any role, you can take up the other role you wanted to learn with us.
We hope you have a good time inside!
Fill the details only in front of the role (below given banners) or your form would be ignored.
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➜﹒Roles you want to enroll in::
➜﹒Tags (+4, mandatory)::~ ^•^ ~
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•[ T H E F A N F I C C L O U D ]
FantasyWant to learn but have no sources? ꜝꜝ﹒⟡﹒ What is the Fanfic Cloud here for? We are here to provide you skilled traning for the following:: ♡﹒Writing ♡﹒Professionalism ♡﹒Editing ♡﹒Theme Designing ♡﹒Video tutorials assignments and creative activities...