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"Where's Captain Fins" I heard my Admiral say. I groaned sinking under the water as her heels clicked along the docks. I pecked up from under the dock to see her standing there glaring down at me.

I rolled my eyes swimming back up once i broke the water surface she crossed her arms over her chest.

"My office Twenty minutes Do Not be late do you understand?" She said I nodded my head swimmingly over the the ladder

I crawled out the water as I took my mask off my head. I threw it at the back of Eric'a head he flinched looking back at me "Aye what was that for?" He said rubbing the back of his head.

"Bloody Hell mate!" I said as he leaned forwards tossing his magazine down to the table. "I'm sorry what do you want me to do? You're a water freak!" He said standing up turing his back towards the window.

I got changed quickly drying my hair as his back still stayed facing me. He really was a gentleman and I loved that about my team I trained them well.

"The Admiral hates me Eric, all because of one mission" he huffed looking over his shoulder a bit "Good to face you now?" He asked I hummed in response.

"Look it wasn't your fault alright? How you doing anyways? I know Soap didn't appreciate that phone call from Derek and I" I slowly sat down on the bench drying my hair.

"I don't know mate, I still feel like apart of him is still with me." He sighed walking over sitting down next to me wrapping his arm around my shoulders.

"Listen don't let that hold you back alright? Now go before she kills you, you got five minutes left." He shoved me out my seat I nodded my head tossing him the towel "Catch you later Mate" I waved walking out the room

As I passed most of my team mates a lot were sparing. Knife training or working out alone. I was proud of how well I built my team into there very one badass cadets.

I made it too her door I took a soft deep breath before I enters "You got this Fins" I whispered to my self I pushed open the door stepping inside.

As the door shut behind me I was engulfed into a bone smashing hug and the musky smell of Gun powder whiskey mixed into my nose I felt safe I smiled hugging him back.

"If you may, I'd like to speak to my Captain as well Captain." Soap stepped back clearing his throat "I apologize just haven't seen my sister since I left." She nodded her head as she stood pointing to the chairs in front of her desk.

I walked around sitting down in one of the chairs as I use to all the time for even the dumbest and most slightest stupid thing she could think of to pin on me.

There was another guy in the room he stood tall arms across his chest. Full beard looked to be at least in his later fourties early fifties. "Alright let's get down to business shall we MacTavish?" She asked planting her elbows on her desk as she crossed her hands and propping her chin on them

The entire time she talked the man standing behind her was just waiting for his moment. "This right here to my left as you are probably wondering" she turned facing him. He stepped forward and smiled softly.

He definitely seemed kind "Hello Fins it's great to finally meet the sister of this crazy man. The name is John Price" he held his hand out towards me I accepted it shaking his hand "Nice to meet you as well sir" I smiled in return.

"But if I may ask? What am I doing here? Why is my brother here as well?" I asked a bit confused all I heard from soap was a low mumble on how I lost my accent.

I looked over my shoulder giving him a death glare. "Well we need help. I sent out to every base asking for there best recruits. Well Soap your brother here slid your file on my desk" I turned quickly looking at him.

"I wonder why he did that sir I'm so sorry. I know I possibly don't fit the criteria of what you're looking for." Price just laughed I raised my eye brow confused.

"Fins that's the thing. You are everything the Task Force 141 is looking for." He smirked stepping back into the same exact position he was in when I walked in.

I looked over at my brother who was dancing in place a bit "Why me, I mean?" I asked soap groaned loudly "I'm sorry but come on Dakota" Soap said I just glared at him "Dakota? That's your name? Perfect. But I can tell this is all a surprise I'll give you till the end of this week to figure it out okay?" I looked back over at price.

"And if I don't give you an answer or decline?" I asked he looked between Soap and Admiral then back at me. "Then I'll have to move on to the next base and get one of them. But soap said he refuses to leave with out you and him talking about it so we will stay till tomorrow night for you to get some time with your brother" I nodded my head at him.

"See you at 1800" price said leaving as we followed behind him they left leaving me alone with my brother which was the worlds dumbest idea. "Soo how's the dating life? Boring I see." I whipped my head over at him giving him a dirty look

"Can we just go one day with out bagging on each other? Like id actually leave to spend time with my brother for once in my life damn Mate." I said walking towards my room with soap right behind me

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2023 ⏰

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