Chapter 25: Taste of the Sea

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"No matter how prepared you are, there is still someone that will drive you to stutter, moreover spill a coffee to yourself"

🥂Taste of the Sea🥂


Sitting alone, myself in the room, I tried to pass the time by reading a book. But I could barely focus as the noises of excitement and laughter from upstairs began to creep through. Before the noise went louder, the front door opened. Rijo peeked before coming in all the way.

"Are you coming up, Helio? Tori and the others are having some fun upstairs," Rijo asked, grinning encouragingly at him.

Helio sighed, reluctant to let Rijo down but also wanting to stay out of the matter. "No. I just don't feel comfortable with the idea of it, especially in a place like this. What if someone finds out? We could get in trouble."

"I agree...then we're not gonna go upstairs." Surprise had me when he said 'we're.'

"We?" with a puzzled look.

"I'm gonna stay," he asserted.

"And why is that?" My brows crossed as my head tilt.

"'Cause you're staying. Keeping you company."

"I don't need company."

"Trust me, you need it." I was about to get offended, thinking I need people depending on which I needn't, but I suppressed it by crossing my arms and glaring at him, and his reply was to lay down on his bed. He even acted sleeping by closing his eyes with also his arms crossed.

I heard their noise upstairs again, this time louder. The good and evil fighting each other on each of my shoulder. Then I decided.

"Okay, but I won't drink," I said, looking like I'm talking to a corpse slumped in bed.

"No, you're forced. If you don't want to, don't...and I also don't want you to drink." Eyes closed, tall straight body laying flat on the bed. I felt a sense of worry and retention. Even though he's slumped on the bed, It felt like he's presence is lukewarm.

"What are you? My Dad?"


I stood up and stepped closer to him, his bed. When I was an inch off him, I contemplated whether to wiggle him off the bed or smack him until he is able to sleep no more. I came back to my bed to take my book, raised it over his stomach and dropped it like an anvil.

"Agh! Aww," he whined and finally opened his eyes. It didn't look like it hurt but he acted like an elephant was brought down on him.

"I'm not forcing myself, I won't drink because I don't really want to. I just wanted to go upstairs," I explained. He stared at me for a moment. Green eyes on mine, again. I quickly broke off the stare by roaming my eyes on the door or window.

"Fine." He stood his body up the bed with his arms creasing the bed. I went out first, not waiting for him. I could hear their voices louder and louder as steps go up.

Upstairs, the scene seemed alive and vibrant. Tori had arranged the refreshments and the secret Soju bottles in a makeshift party area. Sage had already started to open a bottle, Clarity was laughing, and Rijo appeared to be joining in on the fun. The sound of clinking Soju glasses and laughter. Though, it looked like they were keeping it down, it still seemed loud.

I've heard many voices, but Ethan's is louder, "I've always thought lit students are chill in college. It makes me wanna transfer," talking to someone. It wasn't technically a party. Their voices were only heard downstairs. Luckily, cabins are few hundred meters apart.

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