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Note : These are the same contestants that you just battled but separately now. This chapter are for those of you who wanted to fight them separately if not then I advise you skip this chapter and the next two since they circle around the separate fights, if it isn't already out by now that is or if not just read this for fun until it is out :)

••• The Final Battle : Hitoshi Shinso vs Adverson (Y/n) •••

Present Mic electrifies the atmosphere, his voice booming through the stadium as he introduces Hitoshi Shinso with a tone that conveys both respect and anticipation. "Ladies and gentlemen, brace yourselves for the force from General Studies, the master of mind games, the one and only Hitoshi Shinso!"

On the other side, (y/n) stands tall and composed, exuding an air of confidence that captivates the audience. "And in the opposite corner, a name that strikes both awe and fear, our dark princess of the Sports Festival, (y/n) Adverson! Will she maintain her reign of dominance, or will Shinso defy expectations?"

The crowd buzzes with excitement, eager to witness the clash between these two formidable competitors. The tension in the air is palpable as the stage is set for what promises to be an intense battle.

Shinso tries to stand more confidently in his corner, ready to deploy his quirk. He approaches (y/n) with a calm demeanor, a subtle smirk playing on his lips.

"Quite the quirk you have there," Shinso begins, eyeing (y/n) with a mix of curiosity and confidence. "It must be a blessing, being able to do all sorts of things with it."

In response, (y/n) maintains her composure, her expression unchanged. Internally, she scoffs at the idea of her " quirk" being a blessing.

' Foolish human, ' she scoffed to herself.

' Blessing, huh? ' she muses to herself in her mind ' My power is much like a curse. Dangerous and unpredictable '

Shinso continues his verbal dance, attempting to lure (y/n) into a conversation. "I've seen the way people react to your power. It's powerful, captivating. You could make anyone dance to your tune."

Unfazed yet feeling the need to humor the male, (y/n) counters, "But can you dance to my tune?"

Her words carry an eerie confidence as she sees through Shinso's attempt to manipulate her.

She remains vigilant, not letting his words infiltrate her mind.

Shinso persists, subtly adjusting his strategy. "You know, with our quirks combined, we could be unstoppable. Think about it. No one could resist our influence."

Inwardly, (y/n) smirks, amused by Shinso's attempt to recruit her.

' Is this how the pros of the human realm got their sidekicks? Empty words cloaked as promises of riches and fame? '

She responds with a cryptic tone, "Unstoppable, perhaps. But I prefer dancing solo."

As the mind games unfold, (y/n) maintains her mental fortitude, refusing to succumb to Shinso's control.

Internally, Shinso grapples with growing unease as (y/n) appears immune to the effects of his quirk.

His confidence begins to waver as he navigates the conversation, desperately searching for an opening into her mind.

The usual submission he encounters is absent, replaced by a resistance that fuels his anxiety.

' Why are you so resistant? Your mind should be under my control by now, ' Shinso thinks, frustration clouding his thoughts.

Meanwhile, (y/n) maintains a façade of casual conversation, she knew that the moment Shinso asked her a question there was more than any chance his quirk would be activated.

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